This school really needs a PTA/Parents and Citizens group.

Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 8:35 pm

I can believe teachers would find it easier to look the other way instead of doing something about bullying. I can't believe the targets' parents stay silent--especially since it's bad enough for some kids to go to the hospital. I have hypothesized that the adults support the game as some kind of training for the rich and powerful kids, but if it gets to the point where people can be hospitalized I would expect a lawsuit or something (in the US there would be a lawsuit and the school would have to have an anti-bullying program even if the program didn't work). I read another dark yaoi where the boys actually killed each other over their game--and it was supposed to take place in a boarding school for rich kids. Aren't rich parents most likely to cause a fuss when their kids are injured and killed? In the US parents with money would have a lot more to say about things (or at least.,more lawyers).

Oh well. It's a story. At least Azusa looks sexy all rumpled with his shirt hanging open.

    MangaLover12 September 8, 2015 9:07 pm

    Oh, what is the name of that dark yaoi manga you have read?

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 9:14 pm
    Oh, what is the name of that dark yaoi manga you have read? MangaLover12

    If I had remember, I'd have said. Let me look and I'll see if I can find a link. There was a messed up older brother and a too sweet younger brother who wanted to know what was going on. The story was never finished.

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 9:19 pm

    This is it, Rika the Breeder (not he way US people use breeder to mean straight people):

    MangaLover12 September 9, 2015 2:24 am
    This is it, Rika the Breeder (not he way US people use breeder to mean straight people): Anoni Grrl

    Thanks : )