Nah, I don't think you're in the minority :) And I like that kind too. However I dunno if we've got the same definition of tender romance (I'm sorry, I'm a bit insensitive)
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/koi_to_wa_yobenai/ and other manga from this author
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/sono_te_no_netsu_wo_kasanete/ also
it's all yaoi
all of them include sex scenes (although it's not the main point)
they're quite popular, so you may already know most of them
I tried my best and I'm sorry if it's not what you expected :)

Doukyuusei and all of its sequels from Nakamura Asumiko. the story is so tender, it totally melts my heart.

Most of us on Mangago are here for Yaoi, and this site 'promotes' it too, unlike other websites lik3 MangaHere and MangaFox. If you want to ask about not Yaoi, I suggest going to these other sites and then come back because I feel that Mangago loads the fastest and that was the main reason I came here (and then got completely hooked on Yaoi) :)

boy x girl
boy x boy

yaoi is fine, I've actually read some of these, Cafe Latte was a fav. I guess for me tender romance is any thing where the guy, or girl, doesn't act violent or the like and the sex scenes aren't graphic. I will walk away from a manga where rape is treated as a way to romance someone. Thank you, I added quite a few of these to my list.

No problem, if you're interested I have a "Consensual" list (yaoi), so no rape there, although some of them might be too graphic for you
I'm really tired with a rape=love storyline, so I feel you.

I occasionally check other manga sites, when I'm can't wait for a new chapter, but I usually don't stick around since I'm so used to the lay out here. I've been coming here for a long time but only made a login this year when I realized they remembered my information on things read or not read. I find it perfect for reading on my tablet, while other sites the images load far to large for that. I'm generally a shoujo, supernatural, or fantasy reader but a couple yaois drew me in with their cover art and now I read them just as often as the others. To be honest, I often find the romances more believable than the boy/girl pairings in mangas :) but that's just me...

I suppose I should clarify. I have nothing against graphic. I'm reading one right now as the chapters come that's pretty out there. But maybe that's why I'm searching for some palate cleansers :) thanks for the list, I'll check it out. I can go through mangas fairly quickly so I'm always looking to add to the list of ones to read :)
I am apparently in the minority here but can any one recommend me some nice tender romances? Boy/girl or yaoi, either is fine. Raunchy has it's place, but a nice sweet love story without a ton of throbbing groins and thrusting is nice as well. Suggestions?