Thank you for saying this. Some young readers still don't understand what is wrong with this, and call it BDSM. This is not BDSM. BDSM doesn't work like this (and yes, I've done it with my partner). I and another person literally had a discussion with a person yesterday that kept calling this BDSM because Taesung enjoys seeing Sooyoung crying. Ok, Taesung enjoys seeing him crying, and that's okay, but is Sooyoung enjoying the rough sex rn? The person said that yes because he's shy to admit it like wtf lmaoo Sex with your partner is not just about thrusting and that's it, it's also about finding what pleases your partner.
(Sorry for my bad English btw)
P.D: I won't drop the story, because at the end, is a psychological story and I think this types of scenes are very important for this kinda manhwas.
FYI to y’all younger ones out here: sex with your partner should not be like this. Ever. You might find it hot to read but you should NEVER think that being on receiving end of this kind of treatment from either of the guys going after the MC is fun or enjoyable. Being treated roughly and this are two very different things. Don’t ever let anyone treat you like this if it’s overwhelming or uncomfortable. Don’t let anyone have sex with you if you don’t feel comfortable or safe. Sex should be enjoyable to both parties not overwhelming or painful to this point. You and your partner setting boundaries is essential to being safe, satisfied, and happy together. Don’t let them cross those boundaries and leave if they refuse to acknowledge those boundaries. Sex shouldn’t be painful and it shouldn’t be overwhelming or scary. This is not sex this is rape.