I'm amazed people can find excuses for this shitty comic tbh
People paying attention to details that don't even matter (the footprints on the snow first, then the bruises etc.). Don't anyone see how bad the author is? She is lucky her art is good, if not no one would care about this bad KS copy (and yes, KS was toxic but superior, Koogi never spent three fucking chapters of rape, for example)

Yes I can see the story is getting even worse, there is barely any plot to talk about at this point and it's plagiarising or "taking much inspiration" from KS. As I said before I really appreciated that KS ended the way it did but I think we won't have such luck in this story.
But I think PoTN had potential. The art is gorgeous and there are so many interesting threads author could deepen. But she prefers to write disgusting, horrible grotesque "romance" (mostly rape scenes) between bland victim (without much personality) and his rapist.
Are there ANY limits to Seungho's horrible, disgusting behaviour? Not only he raped NK for n-hundred time, he continued in front of someone else. And Mr Kim is like a father figure, the only one who genuinely cares about SH and he kept going. Imagine the disrespect. I'm amazed people can still find excuses for this man.