Yup. But you can actually say that it was more of an accident. Winston was high at that time because of a plant. I think. Star grass or something, I forgot the name. Winston keeps apologizing and actually thought of telling the truth to Curtis and Parker and be killed by them but Qingqing didn't agree and just took him in as another mate. Your gonna love him. He's really the best from among her partner.

And if I remember correctly, he was also poisoned by the scorpion king at that time. The Scorpion King's poison has a hallucigenic effect on their victims. They became delusional and they're desires are intensified. Since Winston likes Qingqing so much and saw her by chance in that moment, he attacks her and unknowingly mated with her.

Yup.... And [spoiler]
She ended up pregnant for that. It was a female, too. They named her Ann.
I swear. Among all her mates, I personally prefer Winston, then Curtis. He's very down to earth and very much understanding with the other husbands. He even told Qingqing that its fine not having a cub with him. He was already grateful that Qingqing took him in. And boi, you should see his face when Qingqing kiss him the cheek.

*scream* I f*cking love him so much I want a Winston but I somehow always date Voldemort or the Ape king I want a Winston. I don’t care if he’s hot AF just as long as he had his personality!! I mean him being smoking hot is just an extra bonus.
Also, does she just have 3 mates or does she add the bird dude too??

- Muire became her fourth and last mate.
- He's alive but with a busted wing. (i forgot if it was the left wing or the right wing . Sorry, I'm already far ahead)
- He was actually the second most powerful mate Qi gqing has, after Curtis.
- Curtis is alive and is currently leveling up to a stripless beast that is higher than a four-strip beast.
- Muire forced to mate her. Mate, not sex. It is different. Muire pluck a feather from his wing and thrust it on her heart. It's a really painful process). No sexual intercourse happened. Before you judge Muire on this part, I'll share why he did it first. [MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD]
-- During that time they are facing against the Scorpion King's father. Curtis, at that time was poisoned by the Scorpion King's father's (San Zachari - I think that was the name. I'm not entirely sure) venom and frozen by him is incapable to fight him. Muire just break through from four-strip to stripless on that time decided to sacrifice himself. He's still in love with by Qingqing (and very much hated himself) came up with the plan of killing SK's father together with his own life. With his understanding that Qingqing couldn't forgive him for harming Curtis back then, he no longer has a will to live and wanted to offer his life. But before dying he wanted to atleast make Qingqing his mate. He forced her even though he would be hated by Qingqing. "Qingqing hated me already what's the harm of being hated even more when I'm about to die", was his thought during that time. BUT, the funny thing is, he didn't die.

Nope. Qingqing got mad because he tried to kill Curtis. Qingqing said something like wanting to kill him, in which Muire accidentally heared and was brokenhearted with a broken wing, but Qingqing took it back right after she calm down. She remembered all the good things that Muire have done for her and her cubs so, she just decided to not wanting to see him again. Without knowing that Muire heard it and not being able to hear the rest of Qingqings words, their path got separated.... To get re-united again.
I choose the eagle boy because he is hot even though he is rotten. I just think they are all rotten. Eagle body is hot.
Leopard and snake - forcing themselves in the first chapters.
White Tiger - The only decent one.