
RTYSTIK1 September 7, 2015 10:13 am

It's not really that confusing actually, most questions you have in the beginning are answered eventually, except for why Atsushi and Manato still look like they're in elementary and why there is such a big difference between Manato and Shuuto (and yes they are twins). I thought it was pretty funny, they're all nuts lol

    Pierariv January 12, 2016 7:16 am

    Sorry, I pressed "annoying" when I was trying to press "reply" D:

    About Manato and Shuuto! I think Shuuto is a year younger, that's why he is in middle school while Manato is in highschool already... Manato said that Shuuto was born because "he was going to die"... Beside, doing sports when you're younger helps to grow and Shuuto is a soccer player since they were little D:

    I'm more confused about where is the "shounen ai" in this story xD I guess even the author was confused as was mentioned in one of the last chapters xD

    *English is not my first lenguage so sorry for the mistakes :x*

    Anonymous January 5, 2017 8:37 pm
    Sorry, I pressed "annoying" when I was trying to press "reply" D:About Manato and Shuuto! I think Shuuto is a year younger, that's why he is in middle school while Manato is in highschool already... Manato said... Pierariv

    Maybe because Manato and Shuu's relationship is not a healthy sibling relationship(you know they lust for each other right?)

    Sangria January 13, 2017 1:09 pm

    I like it too.... but the faces are so similar... that sometimes i mistake.... ( ̄∇ ̄")

    GlamAngel3766 February 26, 2020 11:37 pm

    I honestly would have read this because of the title alone, but then I noticed the word brother in the tags and noped out of it real quick