ikr. He even withdrew the report. Imo, it's not the cop's fault for manipulated him. Ik that cops can't investigate any further if the victim withdrew his report but I still dislike the cops abit cuz they started to investigate it due to other victim's status. The rapist did raped other victims but they only did their job seriously after a student of high status got raped.
I would like to respectfully disagree many rape victims ( I am one myself) exude the same symptoms as the uke, they also develop many "odd" sexual habits like sleeping around (sometime with people who remind them of their rapist), excessive masturbation, S&M mainly being a submissive or masochistic person. These are ways the body and mind try and cooe with the trauma, trying to take back control, or normalize what happened to them to soften the blow in their mental and physical well-being, these are signs that the mind is suffering and need help, since the body is made to feel good of stimulated (which is never their fault it's what the body does) many rape victims hate their body, sex, or anything related there are many variations of how a tape victim acts and to be honest the uke's is one of the more common ones, he is so deeply traumatized by the incident and by him feeling pleasure against his own will he thinks he must've not thought it rape to cope although knowing that it was not the case he was simply looking for a way to bit have the trauma eat at him from the inside out and drive him insane rape victims are people with deep scarred trauma and hate towards their body but also people trying to survive trauma I re late to the uke, I also don't like the cope, what cop acts like that to a rape victim are you demented! But that is what I wanted you guys to know it's not that he isn't traumatized in fact he is very deeply traumatized his mind is trying to figure out a way to deal with it namely being making it seem like he was never raped but only had sex with the rapist
Wver heard of stockholm syndrome? Similaf concept. It's very common for people with trauma to seek dangerous habits that resemble or repeat that trauma as either a self-imposed punishment or the mind's way of trying to cope. That's why people with daddy issues (abusive, narcissistic, etc.) wind up dating toxic men themselves with the same qualities. This is why trauma and therapy is so important. It's like how people cut themselves when they feel suicidal or severely depressed. Body interprets what should be painful as pleasure or relief. Other people interpret it in the literal opposite way - fearing or hating people or situations that remind them of their trauma, others are numb and feel nothing, and others literally have memory lapses and have no idea what happened when any stressors occurs (this is me btw)
the second story...that cop was so gross manipulating a traumatized teenager