
Ggmazes December 24, 2020 9:34 am

Is NO ONE gonna talk about the fact that her parents came to her wedding ONLY BECAUSE They think the ML marrying her was 'finally making her an honest woman'?? I literally GAGGED at that part.

    H1th3r3 December 24, 2020 3:02 pm

    The only thing he made out of her was a teen mother a foolish pushover woman.

    Comadrin December 25, 2020 2:03 am

    Her parents should die painfully while holding the same patriarchal "values" crap that makes the ML look like the epitome of success incarnate to the ignorami. When the FL thinks to herself about how cruel he is, while he's smirking and making very bad taste sexist remarks, and then realizes how much she loves him, I thought that she should fall over dead from lack of brain activity. All of the so-called adults in this manga are as disgusting as a fecal pile on the appetizer table.