My own opinion don't get angry at me

KaSaHa December 24, 2020 9:11 am

Honestly this is a nice webtoon. It has a different kind of plot from other shounen ai or yaoi webtoon. But really I can't say this webtoon is shounen ai. The romance is just an add on in this entire webtoon. All we read is just about baby baby and baby. And family circumstances. So I don't really enjoy that. In fact I begin to not like Yul at all. He's cute all right but what I want to read is about romance. Well I like webtoon with a child as a center but this kind of plot is not that good. It's too focused on the child. Even the couple can't get lovey dovey.

And if we think logically, there's no way a gay couple can maintain a relationship with a child from the start. That's basically ridiculous. Even a straight couple are having a hard time when getting a child. So raising a child from the moment they are dating? It's impossible. They want to spend time with the person they love and the person they will have to spend a lifetime. But they can't get enough privacy just to spend time with the two of them together. Well of course this is just a webtoon. The author can do anything he/she want. But there are so many thing that wasn't logical. Maybe because this genre is slice of life. Something that we can relate. So I keep comparing it to the real life. I usually don't. Really. I read many fantasy webtoon and some twisted webtoon but I don't mind. Because that's fantasy. I can separate that. But this webtoon? I kept comparing it with real life.
First thing first there's no way a child can be attached to another person even calling him mom from the get go. And seriously they can't really raise a child. I mean they do love Yul so much but they kept spoiling and didn't teach them the norm in society. I bet Yull will grow up very spoiled. I actually like Siwoo better. Lol...

This is my personal rambling. I can't read the side story anymore because this isn't what I want to read. I need shounen ai. Not family realted thing. If we are talking about involving a baby, "whoose daddy is it" is much better. It's more relatable than this one.

Please don't get angry at me or bully me. Everyone has their own preferences. I just want to let all my frustration out. Lol...

    Groxy787 December 24, 2020 11:14 am

    The only issue in going to address in this is the fact that you seem to think a gay couple couldn’t start a relationship with a child already in the picture. Yeah it’s fiction, but there are single gay parents out there who are doing a great job dating and including that child in their lives. And maybe you’re talking about the stigma, but being gay would have no influence on how well they could raise a child.

    And no this is not bullying or getting angry with you. Just pointing out that your thinking is flawed and narrow minded.

    Fonnie December 24, 2020 11:15 am

    well the title of the webtoon does give away what the story is about. and i find the story quite realistic when it comes to the kids. this is coming from someone that didnt have parents by my side for 9 years of my life. i was raised by my grandma till i moved in with my real mom in a different country. i called my grandma mom and got bullied over it by classmates when i was young.

    its possible to get attached to someone unrelated and call them mom too. when i worked at a daycare a kid there got attached to me and called me mom and would cry when i'm not in sight.

    and yes they can raise yul becz they give him love and also teach them hings that is easy to understand and here i'm thinking if i ever get to take care of a child again i want to use jihwan's words to explain things to them so its easier for the child to understand things. sure they do spoil yul a lot but at times when its needed they step up and stand their grounds.

    and they do get to be lovey dovey at times just like how straight couple have difficulty having that alone time when there is a child around. since they are both males its not as easy for them after all but that doesnt mean they can't raise a child together. some gay couples are better at raising a child and being family than a staright couple you know.

    when i was 5 years old i took are of my cousin that was just born so i know its not easy to take care of kids. i might not have experienced it as a parent since all i did was just change diapers, change their clothes, feeding, make their bottle, making their baby food, play with them, telling bed time stories and help them fall asleep.
    as i grew up i babysit other people's babies/kids and later on in my college i was an intern and did summer jobb at daycare and elementary school

    i'm sorry if this comes over as aggressive but i'm not mad or anything.. just wanna tell you my point of view aswell

    Dingo123 December 24, 2020 11:16 am

    Most people who are still here and reading this manwha are only really here for the family aspect anyways. Like I feel like that's kinda what you sign up for when you click on a book with that type of title. A lot of people like to wind-down and read family orientated fluff type manhwas all the time. Also I find it annoying how you claimed that maintaining a relationship as a gay couple (& straight) is impossible which is just not true at all - feels a little homophobic there. Also even if that were the case, this is a work of fiction and the author is very obviously pursuing a family based plot here. It sounds to me that you don't like the child in the picture at all, which is kind of dumb considering he's the main focus of the whole story. The child is really the only reason I'm reading it. There is an array of stories out there with romance and even family type romance focused stories. I get that that is ur opinion and you have a lot of frustrations with it but by staying and still getting mad abt it isn't going to help you. As you've already said maybe dropping this is in your best interest.

    Fonnie December 24, 2020 11:26 am
    The only issue in going to address in this is the fact that you seem to think a gay couple couldn’t start a relationship with a child already in the picture. Yeah it’s fiction, but there are single gay pare... Groxy787

    i agree with you ... i wrote a long essay about stuff lol. i'm just kinda sad that people sometimes don't understand the story and about how a gay couple raising children can be as good or even better than a straight couple...

    Fonnie December 24, 2020 11:27 am
    Most people who are still here and reading this manwha are only really here for the family aspect anyways. Like I feel like that's kinda what you sign up for when you click on a book with that type of title. A ... Dingo123

    i also here for the baby since i could tell from the title that the baby is gonna be the main focus on the story... at first i didnt like jun but now i love the whole thing XD

    Dingo123 December 24, 2020 11:29 am
    The only issue in going to address in this is the fact that you seem to think a gay couple couldn’t start a relationship with a child already in the picture. Yeah it’s fiction, but there are single gay pare... Groxy787

    THIS THIS THIS! I thought that sounded a little bit like internalised homophobia, maybe an subconscious negative reaction to gay relationships and couples. Which I found strange since op seemed to enjoy reading BL??

    Dingo123 December 24, 2020 11:32 am
    i also here for the baby since i could tell from the title that the baby is gonna be the main focus on the story... at first i didnt like jun but now i love the whole thing XD Fonnie

    Exactly this! Like I don't understand why op stuck around to get even more disappointed? Like I'm not here to argue with them or anything I just dont see the point of their comment. This story is entirely what you would expect from both the blurb & the title.

    Groxy787 December 24, 2020 11:35 am

    I think this has been one of the best slice of life’s involving a gay family I’ve read. So seeing a comment implying that it’s too unrealistic to have a gay couple raise a kid is frustrating af. Yeah it’s unrealistic that you would ask your best friend to raise a kid with you but it’s been the premise of Hetero dramas before so pointing out that it’s an issue cause they’re gay does feel homophobic. So I just hope OP really takes a look into why they think that way, especially considering as someone else pointed out, they read a lot of BL.

    IMO, one of the worst things you can be in this fandom is a person who fetishizes same sex couples, and is prejudice against them irl.

    Fonnie December 24, 2020 11:53 am
    Exactly this! Like I don't understand why op stuck around to get even more disappointed? Like I'm not here to argue with them or anything I just dont see the point of their comment. This story is entirely what ... Dingo123

    yeah... i thought the title is a dead give away what its gonna be about... and the story is quite realistic when it comes to the kids especially yul and siwoo... since i can relate to both of them ... even tho i dont have a gay couple raising me but instead i got my grandma raising me and i call her mom. so i point it out that a child can get attached to other people and call them mom cuz that happened to me before as i was an intern at the daycare one of the baby/kid called me mom and wouldnt let me walk out of their sight.. which was funny cuz in the beginning she would cry if she saw me cuz she didnt like me looooooool ... she was hella adorable lol

    Fonnie December 24, 2020 12:04 pm
    I think this has been one of the best slice of life’s involving a gay family I’ve read. So seeing a comment implying that it’s too unrealistic to have a gay couple raise a kid is frustrating af. Yeah it�... Groxy787

    yeah i also found it the best slice of life in bl also ... well together with the omegaverse that i was reasing they do more the teaching about the real world more than this one but to be honest both are quite nice to read. as someone that have been in contact with a lot of kids i know they arent always like this some are even waaaay more spoil than yul
    i find the children in this webtoon quite realistic a children that you dont just read in a story but those you find in real life.

    maybe i'm used to it cuz i watch a few thai drama that involves kids and the dad is gay... so i didnt see the problem in it only part is that the view from their surrounding judges them cuz its a child raised by a gay dad... so often its not accepted.. which is really said cuz some gay guys loves kids so much and they have so much love to give to the child

    KaSaHa December 24, 2020 12:58 pm

    I'm not going to reply one by one. And I don read all of opinion. It makes sense. But people have their own background that leads to my comments. So I will tell you why I said all of that.
    I'm homophobic? Of course not. If it's like that, I probably doesn't read bunch of shounen ai or yaoi genre. You can check what I read in my homepage. Maybe I seem like that to you because of my prejudice. Really, I'm not saying gay people can't raise a child. I'm just saying that it will be harder for a gay people who just got together to suddenly raise a child. Maybe you guys misinterpreted my comments. And the second point is I'm just saying they're to spoiled to Yul. Well they do scold him sometimes but most of it they just let it go. And they sometimes 'lied' about some things. Which I don't like. And this is because I studied developmental psychology. So I'm saying this not because they're gay. I'm just saying their method of raising is wrong. That's all. Yul eventually know that a child is born from a woman and a man. Not a man and a man. But at first they didn't get honest with him. Well maybe the role of mom can be given to someone else since his own mom doesn't care about him. But still Mom usually is a woman. And in the past someone in the internet, who acknowledge him/herself as gay, that gay people doesn't want to be called wife. Means they don't like to be interpreted as a 'girl'. But really I am not that homophobic as you guys thought. And as I said this is just a fiction. So I don't really have to be so worked up and get too serious. I usually don't mix between a fiction and non fiction.

    And you guys are confused why I still read it? I found this webtoon today. So I tried readinh it. Well why don't I drop this? I have a habit to finish what I read or watch. So whether the story/film/anime/webtoon is bad I still read it until the end. At least the main story.
    And yep I like because it involves a child. But sadly the plot isn't to my liking. And I already said above that I prefer a manhua called "Whose baby is it?" It involves and revolves around the baby. But the plot is more satisfying for me.

    Maybe that can answer some of your confusion about my POV? And please don't judge me because I'm narrow minded or anything.
    People have different opinion, background, education, personality and all. I can't explain all of that in a paragraph. I respect all your opinion. And I tried not to badmouth the author or the webtoon itself. As I said numerous times already. I'm just letting out my frustration as well as pointing an opinion about this. Maybe like a review. A review that is so biased. I know.

    KaSaHa December 24, 2020 12:58 pm

    I have a typo... I do read all of the opinion

    KaSaHa December 24, 2020 1:11 pm

    I'm just saying what I want to say. I don't intend to debate for this. Because there is no right or wrong in this. So I'm not gonna reply anymore. Not because I'm a coward or anything. As you guys can't understand my disliking, I probably can't get to like it even though you guys explained all of that. That's all from me. Sorry for this biased opinion. You guys enjoy the side stories. I'll just read other stories. (=・ω・=)

    Fonnie December 24, 2020 3:54 pm
    I'm not going to reply one by one. And I don read all of opinion. It makes sense. But people have their own background that leads to my comments. So I will tell you why I said all of that.I'm homophobic? Of cou... KaSaHa

    the role of a mom in a sociaity go for is a woman but in jun's case he didnt really hated being called mom.. jihwan and yul didnt really treat him as a woman either...he only got the title of a mom but he didnt required to be a woman.. maybe in the beginning he didnt like it since he didnt like kids to begin with.

    i know a lot of people that are gay arent always the type that wanna be in the female role. since there are different kind of being gay. i grew up with clasmates that likes the same sex and some have sexchange. so its not like i'm ignorant about gay guys that doesnt wanna take on that role.

    and with yul i dont think its all that bad when he does something bad they tell him tho... even if they didnt tell yul about how baby is made its normal isn't it ??? usually people struggle with explaining it plus also having a siblings doesnt always having your parents making a baby. now adays you can also adopt. being siblings doesnt always have to be blood related.

    at least yul was raised well while me on the other hand been lied to my whole life by my so called parent. and asking for answers wasnt allowed. i know for you its hard to believe.. as you said everyone has different backgrounds and different personalities... but its also good to know about these type of settings. my teacher always tell me to observe the children and observe their behaviors around people and their parents and understand them. parents arent perfect and they learn by making mistakes like every human beeing be it what kind of sexuality they are they are all imperfect.

    and no one really said you are homophobic its just the stuff you wrote sounded that way

    i know you might not read and will surely not reply to this but this is for my peace of mind bcz it will trigger my mental health if i keep it to myself so i just type it out and post it. just don't mind me

    Groxy787 December 26, 2020 10:11 am

    The only piece I’m going to reply to again goes back to some of the heteronormative issues in your follow up. Mainly the issue of Jun being called “mom”. I think the most important thing to note is that neither Yul or Jihwan ever call him “mom” to imply the role of the “woman” (I can’t even remember if Jihwan has ever called him mom at all tbh). Yul calls him mom because he’s the other half to Jihwan, and in a heteronormative society we call pairs raising a child “mom and dad”. That’s why Yul gets so confused at day care that his “mom” isn’t seen as mom but his peers.

    And again, the issue of being gay and raising a child from the start isn’t an issue exclusive to a gay couple. Any couple would find it extremely difficult to try and start raising a kid together and then choose to begin dating. Saying that it would be “difficult for a gay couple” implies that a straight couple would have an easier time. They wouldn’t for the main reason that Jun and Jihwan haven’t needed to try dating in public yet, with the exception of these latest chapters.

    Anyway, I have this muted so I probably won’t respond again. I’m not responding to the other stuff which is your opinion, mainly cause I don’t agree with those points at all, and don’t see a reason to explain it. I am also reading Whose baby is it, and personally see both children contributing well to the relationships their a part of, which, imo, yul is more involved in the relationship building.