I feel so freaking sad. Mr han already had param's feelings so I thought hwi having something between him and param is kinda nice even if it's just sex cause eventually they could slowly work on the love part. Hwi was his first (I think I'm not sure) but they had something special but since param and Mr han are gonna get busy it's just bleh....if yall know what I mean.
When or if Hwi finds out I hope he doesn't chase after param, cause MLs tend to do that, I want param to realize that Mr han is an asshole. I never liked him, he seemed shady asf when I first saw him and the fact that he knew param had feelings for him yet he kept doing weird shit while having that knowledge, like gtfo. Sorry for the rant
Param PLSSSS your better then this please listen to your gut please omggg if something happens with them please