I agree! She's alone in this jungle and she all . . . "leave me alone, I'm going to survive by myself." Lady you don't know jungle survival or any kind of defense! How many things can casually kill her there. Yeah he's big and a stranger, but he seems to be helping you and protecting you, take the help and stay in his good graces! If he abandons you, you're death! Better the devil you know. Also, he tells her you people are forbidden to enter the temple and she says whatever and enters anyway like it has nothing to do with her. She acts like she's still in civilization with laws that would protect her. She knows nothing about their culture or their laws, this is their world. What if there are deadly traps, or she gets caught and the tribal punishment is death. She lucky she got plot armor. If that really happened, she would probably be dead a long time ago.
The mc... So stupid... (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜