do i sound crazy?

otaku December 23, 2020 2:19 pm

Lowkey i wanna continue reading this.

    Quicksilver December 27, 2020 10:18 pm
    ok ryo

    seeee? ryo is a nice guy after all.

    Quicksilver December 27, 2020 10:30 pm
    ok ryo

    for what it's worth, man, I've been reading about people who claim to have been on other planets. From abductees to space program insiders say that on the majority of other worlds, people of color outnumber white people by a long shot, and that white people will have to get used to being a huge minority when this world finally gets its ass into space and meets the rest of the galaxy. that would be something, and yeah, I need my head examined. LOL

    ryo December 27, 2020 10:56 pm
    for what it's worth, man, I've been reading about people who claim to have been on other planets. From abductees to space program insiders say that on the majority of other worlds, people of color outnumber wh... Quicksilver

    it’s actually true there is more poc than white people but yet somehow every poc experienced 90% racism. i’m just saying but i hope that rings a bell

    Quicksilver December 27, 2020 11:59 pm
    it’s actually true there is more poc than white people but yet somehow every poc experienced 90% racism. i’m just saying but i hope that rings a bell ryo

    of course it does, man. In the end I guess we don't have a choice but to accept everyone for who they are. I can understand if that sounds empty to you, though.

    Quicksilver December 28, 2020 12:07 am

    Do you think white people should back off and now poc should be the ones on top?

    ryo December 28, 2020 4:25 pm
    Do you think white people should back off and now poc should be the ones on top? Quicksilver

    are u saying white people are on top? and yes i believe in 100% poc supremacy

    raindragon January 1, 2021 1:40 am
    are u saying white people are on top? and yes i believe in 100% poc supremacy ryo

    Of course they are, and it's wrong, foolish, and far from enlightened to try for supremacy of any race over another. That's racism
    It won't work, of course. White people are not going to hand over their homes and businesses they've worked their entire lives to build. They will to fight. Never doubt it. Are you really willing to put humanity on a path to a third world war?

    ryo January 1, 2021 2:36 am
    Of course they are, and it's wrong, foolish, and far from enlightened to try for supremacy of any race over another. That's racism It won't work, of course. White people are not going to hand over their ho... raindragon

    you sound really dumb right now. i promise you everything “white” people own are what poc went through. such as owning slaves and making them work for them because y’all believed black people are stronger. not u calling me racist for saying poc supremacy y’all have never experienced racism only got made fun of LOLs u think poc calling u mayo monkey or discharge is racism... y’all literally locked up black people in zoo and thought they were monkeys, colonized half of asia and still have no culture (white culture) please go educate urself it’s literally getting embarrassing. in no way y’all are not on top and if you think like that, it’s ALL pocs hard work maybe go wash ur ass

    raindragon January 1, 2021 3:39 am
    you sound really dumb right now. i promise you everything “white” people own are what poc went through. such as owning slaves and making them work for them because y’all believed black people are stronger... ryo

    don't use history - ancient history - to make your case. White people have been enslaved throughout history. You're the one who sounds dumb. You think anyone is going to go on their knees to you? You think you have the right to exploit the suffering of your own ancestors in the interest of present day greed and thirst for power? Leave the past alone and have some respect for all of out ancestors. Yours is far from a valid justification for racism, bigotry, and exploitation. Also, saying anyone here has never experienced racism. You're saying that in front of so many women, whose oppression wins any contest of whose been most oppressed through history. seriously, how dare you?

    Quicksilver January 1, 2021 3:54 am
    don't use history - ancient history - to make your case. White people have been enslaved throughout history. You're the one who sounds dumb. You think anyone is going to go on their knees to you? You think... raindragon

    I've gotta agree with rd that identity politics is not the way for people to attain peace. Exploiting the suffering of our ancestors just isn't valid, not is having to bare your scars in order to get the right to talk about anything.

    Quicksilver January 1, 2021 4:03 am

    I hate to tell you but white people aren't bothered by being called names like mayo monkey. Hey, I have sisters who tried to make a case for me being put in a petting zoo at one time. what a bunch of little brats they were. LOL. I don't think black people are stronger. that would be dumb. I think the world has been endowed with a great deal of individual achievements by all people. white people, too. You can't back up your words with the truth of history.

    miki January 1, 2021 4:26 am
    you sound really dumb right now. i promise you everything “white” people own are what poc went through. such as owning slaves and making them work for them because y’all believed black people are stronger... ryo

    My ancestors were slaves. How dare you refuse to turn your mortgage papers over to me! LOL

    Bubble.frogs January 1, 2021 8:45 am

    Replies like these make me laugh

    Bubble.frogs January 1, 2021 8:48 am
    RACIST TO WHITE PPL? y’all are the mfs who started racism and literally will call every black person u see the n word or if u see asians u will call the corona stfu ryo

    Hey! Don’t be mean to the crackers that’s super duper mean!!! they have feelings too lol

    Quicksilver January 1, 2021 9:09 am
    Hey! Don’t be mean to the crackers that’s super duper mean!!! they have feelings too lol Bubble.frogs

    crackers is just as racist as any racist names for you. seriously you need to shove it what I thought about saying, but as stated, those silly names don't bother white people. LOL Crackers is kind of cute. I like the monkey name, too, but you're still a racist so is your buddy with the supremacy talk.. haha Meanwhile the white ppl here haven't done anything wrong. Black ppl being blatant racists - you guys might enjoy it, but the rest of the world is going to react as badly to your racism as to anyone's. Racism is not acceptable. Deal with yourself and your prejudice poison

    ryo January 1, 2021 11:12 pm
    crackers is just as racist as any racist names for you. seriously you need to shove it what I thought about saying, but as stated, those silly names don't bother white people. LOL Crackers is kind of cu... Quicksilver

    cracker is not racial slur what drugs you on.. in where y’all have been called crackers?? did you know it’s a name poc came out with to defend themselves when y’all call them racial slur. i never said black people are stronger but slave owners did ur ancestors did that but racism still exist to this day

    raindragon January 2, 2021 1:27 am
    cracker is not racial slur what drugs you on.. in where y’all have been called crackers?? did you know it’s a name poc came out with to defend themselves when y’all call them racial slur. i never said bla... ryo

    Cracker is not a defense. It's an unjustified verbally aggressive slur aimed at the color of someone's skin. that's racism. Cracker has been around for at least 60 years, so don't pretend you know its origins. Racism is not about black people only. Which slave owners in what century? I can talk about slave owners in any century since the world began against every race on earth. I can easily accuse your ancestors of owning white slaves in Egypt around 300 BC

    ryo January 2, 2021 1:38 pm
    Cracker is not a defense. It's an unjustified verbally aggressive slur aimed at the color of someone's skin. that's racism. Cracker has been around for at least 60 years, so don't pretend you know its origin... raindragon

    where did i say racism is only towards black people? i said towards people of color. not u wanting to be oppressed

    raindragon January 3, 2021 9:12 pm
    where did i say racism is only towards black people? i said towards people of color. not u wanting to be oppressed ryo

    racism is not only toward poc. You can be a racist against white people, too.

    raindragon January 3, 2021 9:15 pm
    where did i say racism is only towards black people? i said towards people of color. not u wanting to be oppressed ryo

    poc means everyone on earth EXCEPT white people. It's basically a racist label. Anyway, white people have color in their skin just like black people, Indian, or any other race on earth. My skin is not transparent. I resent the term, poc