Plus, her reason to discover that the child was his daughter was that the girl was moving her eyebrows the same way than the father
Like wth
« Oh yeah she doesn’t look AT ALL like him, but she’s moving her eyebrows the same way, she’s 100% her daughter »
I mean hello Sherlock if you never slept with anyone else, then how tf your reason to realize he’s the father is so dumb ?
Then, she said she was gonna tell him he was the father back then but he was sleeping with a girl... Mmh what ? Then why was she « Could it be he’s the father ?!!! ImPoSsIbLe ! »

Ikr, it’s as if many people who all understood the plot differently worked on this, each of them drawing a part of the story. That’s so messed up, and even though it’s the same kind of story than Harlequin, at least Harlequin doesn’t make so many contradictions on her works
I’m still tired of those lowest IQ being FL and those trashy ML that will be forgiven because there’s a 1% of them that isn’t that trashy or because they had a reason to be like this (╬ ̄皿 ̄) Frl those girl don’t have a bit of dignity, always forgiving and ending up with the ML that legit treated her like sht
« I didn’t go out with anyone else since we broke up » and she did say he was her first lover which means he was his only, yet she was THIS shocked when she « discovered » that he was the father of her child ? I’m sorry but where’s your brain ? ( ̄ε(# ̄) I’m becoming kinda target of that kind of story with a trashy ML and a hella dumb FL, 10000 misunderstandings, always the same story, etc etc