what do you mean that's not why? It's part of the reason. I know that yahwi doesn't show his feeling but the reason jooin decided to back out this moment was because some of the college student were spreading rumors about him and yahwi but yahwi didn't say anything to defend him and jooin went home that day pissed off and explained everything to cain

Uh, no. Actually, Jooin asked Yahwi twice what he means to him/if he likes him. Yes, Jooin was upset that Yahwi didn't let him speak, but that was that. Yahwi told his friends to stop talking, it's not like he stood on the side and watched them slander Jooin, and he never rebuked Yahwi for the fact that he didn't do more. His whole problem was that Yahwi wouldn't tell him what he feels. That's why he decided to stop things between them and not because of the rumors.
And explain what to Cain? Jooin wanted to talk to him, but couldn't get the words out. They haven't talked about what happened yet.

The rumors were the build up for them to finally have this conversation, I agree, but the fact that Yahwi didn’t stand up for him wasn’t why Jooin wanted to stop. This isn’t new, it happened back in s1 and start of s2, too. Real problem was that Yahwi didn’t man up and confessed. Jooin didn’t look keen on talking about the rumors anyway, that’s why he kept cutting Yahwi off to ask him what he feels.
It was never like this:
Jooin: You didn’t stand up for me in front of your friends when they called me names. We should stop doing this.
It was like this:
Jooin: Do you even like me, sunbae?
Yahwi: silent
Jooin: Can I take your silence as an answer? We should stop.
Idk how to put it more simply than this, but anyway. Doesn’t matter.
hope this mf get his pussy ass together and get your feelings straight because i will cry if you don't end up together please PLEASE I'm BEGGING you PUSSY ASS BITCH YAHWI I'M ROOTING FOR YOU DON'T LET ME DOWN I'D LEGIT CRY ALL DAY OVER THIS MANHWA IF HE DOESN'T CHANGE HIS BEHAVIOR