some of yall literally dont even care how yawhi is a rapist and and is being blinded by his "good looks"

hell0k1tty December 22, 2020 6:32 pm

i hate seeing how cain is being lead on while yawhi is a whole RAPIST... "cain is sus" SO WHAT??

    jesus December 22, 2020 6:54 pm

    Yeah people are allowed to have their opinion lmfao? you're acting like cain is the only one getting hated on. Yahwi literally gets hate every single day in the comments so chill out. ANybody can say cain is sus. it's their opinion and they can say what they think

    jesus December 22, 2020 6:56 pm

    Lmao and like 98% of the people simp for cain in the comments so like i dont know where ur trying to get at

    ushidaddy December 22, 2020 7:15 pm
    Yeah people are allowed to have their opinion lmfao? you're acting like cain is the only one getting hated on. Yahwi literally gets hate every single day in the comments so chill out. ANybody can say cain is su... jesus


    hell0k1tty December 22, 2020 7:24 pm
    Yeah people are allowed to have their opinion lmfao? you're acting like cain is the only one getting hated on. Yahwi literally gets hate every single day in the comments so chill out. ANybody can say cain is su... jesus

    i never said people werent allowed to their opinion.

    hell0k1tty December 22, 2020 7:29 pm
    i never said people werent allowed to their opinion. hell0k1tty

    im just stating my OWN and how I think yawhi
    is a bad person.. wtf does yawhi getting hated on all the time have to do with ME.. like YOU said people are allowed to have opinions in this MINE babes. this is a comment section for a reason.. everyone elses opinion on cain is their own and and IM stating the way I want to defend him.. literally no one said no one is not allowed to have an opinion

    baloney December 22, 2020 7:30 pm

    Lmao if yall can say yahwi is a RAPIST, us yahwitards cant even say "SUS"??? GET OUTTA HERE HAHAHAHSHAHAHAHHA

    baloney December 22, 2020 7:32 pm

    and also the story's not over yet. We just have to wait as it's still progressing. No need for lots of hate tBH. JAHAHAHAHAH

    hell0k1tty December 22, 2020 7:33 pm
    Lmao if yall can say yahwi is a RAPIST, us yahwitards cant even say "SUS"??? GET OUTTA HERE HAHAHAHSHAHAHAHHA baloney

    cause mans IS a rapist... and i dont think u know what "so what" means..

    hello jesus December 22, 2020 7:40 pm
    im just stating my OWN and how I think yawhiis a bad person.. wtf does yawhi getting hated on all the time have to do with ME.. like YOU said people are allowed to have opinions in this MINE babes. this is a co... hell0k1tty

    looking at your comment, it looks like you have a problem with people saying cain is sus. And of course you have your opinion lmao?? I'm responding to it and saying people are allowed to say whatever they think about cain? 99% of yahwi stans like yahwi but still hold him accountable for what he did.

    hello jesus December 22, 2020 7:47 pm
    im just stating my OWN and how I think yawhiis a bad person.. wtf does yawhi getting hated on all the time have to do with ME.. like YOU said people are allowed to have opinions in this MINE babes. this is a co... hell0k1tty

    I guess you didn't read my comment properly, When I said "yahwi gets hate every single day in the comments" I mean't that He's hold accountable every time for his wrong doing's in the comments. you're acting like cain is getting hate (like alot) because people are just saying that he's sus

    hello jesus December 22, 2020 7:49 pm
    Lmao if yall can say yahwi is a RAPIST, us yahwitards cant even say "SUS"??? GET OUTTA HERE HAHAHAHSHAHAHAHHA baloney


    baloney December 22, 2020 7:49 pm
    cause mans IS a rapist... and i dont think u know what "so what" means.. hell0k1tty

    You mentioning it is basically implying that you dislike it when people say that LMAO isn't that why you said "so what?" Also you're not the only one who's sensetive about the rape topic, dear. Stop pretending to be better by putting down other people's opinions and their preferences. Yahwi was and is STILL an asshole. But the sex after the first was consensual, Jooin consented to it after knowing what Yahwi did. Yall are not making this story fun for the rest of us by always mentioning what happened at the beginning of this story.

    hello jesus December 22, 2020 7:56 pm
    You mentioning it is basically implying that you dislike it when people say that LMAO isn't that why you said "so what?" Also you're not the only one who's sensetive about the rape topic, dear. Stop pretending ... baloney

    exactly, the act like we have short term memory we lost and we suddenly forgot what happened in the beginning of the story, We all know what happened They don't need to bring it up every time we have an opinion about the other character, it just ruins the fun for people

    hello jesus December 22, 2020 7:56 pm
    exactly, the act like we have short term memory we lost and we suddenly forgot what happened in the beginning of the story, We all know what happened They don't need to bring it up every time we have an opinion... hello jesus

    I miss spelled some stuff oh well

    hell0k1tty December 22, 2020 8:13 pm
    You mentioning it is basically implying that you dislike it when people say that LMAO isn't that why you said "so what?" Also you're not the only one who's sensetive about the rape topic, dear. Stop pretending ... baloney

    i said "so what" as in "yeah he's suspicious but he hasnt even done anything"... im not here to please to yawhi stans if u dont like it then dont read it...

    hell0k1tty December 22, 2020 8:14 pm
    i said "so what" as in "yeah he's suspicious but he hasnt even done anything"... im not here to please to yawhi stans if u dont like it then dont read it... hell0k1tty

    then dont read the comment*

    Toefuggie December 22, 2020 8:24 pm
    You mentioning it is basically implying that you dislike it when people say that LMAO isn't that why you said "so what?" Also you're not the only one who's sensetive about the rape topic, dear. Stop pretending ... baloney

    Being drunk while the other person is sober is NOT consensual in anyway. While your intoxicating even slightest bit tipsy you may not be aware about things that are happening or around you. The one who was raped(I forgot his name my bad) thought it was dream. Even if he wanted it irl he was in a dream like state unwate that it was real Yahwi on the other hand knew of this and still continued his actions. This dosent even revolve around team cain or team yahwi, yahwi passed a boundary that should be touched and he's shit because of that. No matter how hot or rich you are you still raped someone.

    Toefuggie December 22, 2020 8:26 pm
    Being drunk while the other person is sober is NOT consensual in anyway. While your intoxicating even slightest bit tipsy you may not be aware about things that are happening or around you. The one who was rape... Toefuggie

    Lots or typos sorry

    hell0k1tty December 22, 2020 8:29 pm
    looking at your comment, it looks like you have a problem with people saying cain is sus. And of course you have your opinion lmao?? I'm responding to it and saying people are allowed to say whatever they think... hello jesus

    yes i clearly do because he literally STANDS and people say "hes so sus" "i dont trust him" "hes so shady" "hes so sus omg" when he literally hasnt done anything wrong. when literally MOST yawhi stans sit there and always talk abt "omg hes so hot "hes so fine bye" and literally havent held him accountable and sit there oblivious to whats happening right in front of them. and even if they do hold him accountable they dont care anymore & ignore it when its so embarrassing. but then again its my opinion <3

    Toefuggie December 22, 2020 8:33 pm
    yes i clearly do because he literally STANDS and people say "hes so sus" "i dont trust him" "hes so shady" "hes so sus omg" when he literally hasnt done anything wrong. when literally MOST yawhi stans sit there... hell0k1tty

    Cuz these people fetishize rape or ignore it when its gay sex or because he's weird