Double standart(?) on "bastard type" of seme

Constellation Mad Plotter December 22, 2020 3:37 pm

There's this 'bastards seme' that always hurt uke, like abusing, rape, or forced uke doing kinky stuff, but why people can love this type seme in A manhwa while hate it so much in B manhwa?
Example: They love Seungho but hates Yahwi or they love sangwo but hate obey me's seme?

Whats difference? Is it because of the different plot and story? But what they did is alike right? They did hurt the ukes

    ThornAce December 22, 2020 3:41 pm

    People only like Seungho because he’s hot, but I don’t care if he’s hot, he hurt my baby

    choking December 22, 2020 3:48 pm

    It's most rather of the appearance. Or the artstyle. People like Seungho and Sangwoo because they're sexy. They hate obey me's seme because he's ugly. Not sure about Yahwi tho.

    qwuen December 22, 2020 3:48 pm

    I think it is about the plot. Some stories feel realistic and others like just a fantasy. Nobody like problematic people in real-life so maybe they don't love that type of person in a realistic plot

    AnonymousQueen December 22, 2020 4:43 pm

    This is speaking from my perspective. Its because of the characterization build-up that the author does as the story progresses and story plot that matches with the characters.
    Characters like Seungho ang Sangwoo has a heavy characterization, and we know about it because the author constantly shows us their past as the story progresses.
    With Yahwi, we don't necessarily love or hate him. Its just that we don't know him that well as a character. Because in the story it was implied that Jooin and Yahwi were childhood friends, but it was never really shown. Making us quite confused about him. So we hate him for doing such, but love him for doing such.
    For the Obey Me guy, he's characterization was really confusing. It never really occured that much neither it was explained well. No hate on the author but the plot was not really that good and plot is the base for characterization. That's why a lot of people didn't really liked him.
    Also another thing, for the characters of Painter of the Night, Yours to Claim, and Killing Stalking, it can be seen that they had mutual understanding or mutual attachment to each other, even if its just a hint of it. You can see as the story progress that they care for each other even just a little bit. Which makes the toxicity of their relationship less tense.
    Unlike with Obey Me there was no hint of care or mutual understanding at all. Instead it was just trauma that occured to the other character which can be seen by the end of the story. That's why people really hated it.
    Sorry for the long ass explaination, this is on my perspective only. I dont know if other people feel the same as me, but I hope this clears the issue. (=・ω・=)

    qwuen December 22, 2020 6:05 pm
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    Sangwoo is a psychopath, we cannot compare him to Alex or Yahwi. It is not normal to love someone with an anti-social disorder. But there is a fact that people like to see them in fiction. Like Joker, he is also a true sociopath, but many people love him. Both are the same. I don't know why people like this type of character, but I'm sure that's only true when it's fiction.
    As for Yahwi or Alex; they just have some problems. Their behavior can be frustrating, but they're not like Sangwoo. Readers can empathize with them or like them. Also, character development isn't a bad thing for the story. Not everyone may like it, but there are also a lot of people who like these kinds of stories and we cannot judge them.

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 23, 2020 5:21 am
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    Thats what Im asking, they're both a bad guy right? They forced uke to do sex, thats basically rapist. They hate this type of seme in A series but can love them so much in B series.. Thats whats confuse me ^^'

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 23, 2020 5:55 am
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    I've said that to my friend and she mad like crazy. She began speech about difference of two character, I can't get her point and said that two character has same bad side but she still insist that they're different ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Yaaa.. You too?

    AnonymousQueen December 23, 2020 2:24 pm
    I've said that to my friend and she mad like crazy. She began speech about difference of two character, I can't get her point and said that two character has same bad side but she still insist that they're diff... Constellation Mad Plotter

    No hate tho, but I think its because your friend likes this certain character more than the other that's why they say that both the characters are different. Her way of understanding might be in the lines of something like, this character is this character and that's what important, not their state or their actions, something like that.
    To put it simply, what matters most is that you are you, and not the state nor the action of you. Is I think, what she thinks. And also both the character are considered different because they may have done the same bad thing but the progression and characterization is different, that's also why the characters are different. You can't put someone in one category just because they seem to do the same deed as the other person.
    Hope this can clear some misunderstandings.
    Respect is the key to understanding. Have a good day! (=・ω・=)

    Constellation Mad Plotter December 23, 2020 5:23 pm
    No hate tho, but I think its because your friend likes this certain character more than the other that's why they say that both the characters are different. Her way of understanding might be in the lines of so... AnonymousQueen

    But the reason for her hate to others character is because the character doing something terrible to his uke, I point that her favorite character do same but she can still like him (so much), thats why I said she's so double standart, She said okay if its her favorite character but no for other character and insult this character so much. She even point out that people who like character she hate is weird and theres something wrong with their head and all. Thats why we come to argument about this.

    I know your point about respect each other but I still don't get why her (and other people) like that. I feel really unpleasant whenever she brag about her favorite character and insult other character (even this character's fans).
    Am I just too sensitive? Its not like the character she insult is my favorite but I still really annoyed whenever heard her like that.

    Maybe I can accept her opinion and just chill if she give another reason, not this kind of double standart reason.

    qwuen December 23, 2020 6:23 pm
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    I understand what you mean but you got me wrong. I want to clarify what I want to say. First of all, because Sangwoo is a problematic character, I talked about his difference from others and wanted to explain why people love him. I just wanted to say that he is loved for being "fiction" and try to give an example. The Dark Knight's Joker is pure evil, yes you are right about the actor and the plot, it can affect the love for him. But think about it, what he does is scary. Everything should be fiction to like these types of characters. I couldn't understand the admiration or obsession part you were saying. Who would do that? They just love the character. Maybe very few people are obsessed with sangwoo, and I would say it's not normal to be obsessed with a psychopathic fictional character.
    Second, Alex or Yahwi are not rapists, just bastards and I don't think their character development is a big problem. I know my post is long but I also want to talk about the romanticized rape part you mentioned. Did you know that many people have rape fantasies? Especially women? It is interesting, isn’t it? Rape is a terrible crime so why do many people love this disgusting fantasy? There are many explanations for this, and if you are curious, you can research on the internet or I recommend a documentary called "sex explanation". But I will tell you the important part. People who have a rape fantasy don't support rape. This is just a fantasy for them and they disgust in real life. They like to read this kind of story or imagine that kind of thing. So is it really necessary to discuss a fantasy in fiction? Stories involving rape, especially the character's reaction are often unrealistic. This is just a "fantasy". Nobody can be a rape supporter just because they read it.
    (Sorry for my English, I hope you understand what I meant)

    qwuen December 23, 2020 9:11 pm
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    Okay got it, you are not want to understand what I am trying to say. Do you think DG or Jooin reacts like someone who has been raped? If you think like that I suggest you read it again. Their reaction shows us that it is fiction.

    qwuen December 23, 2020 9:12 pm
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    I never said women want to get raped. Really how can you understand like that? I said that ”This is just a fantasy for them and they disgust in real life. They like to read this kind of story or imagine that kind of thing.”
    I think you should calm down first, there is no need for being aggressive, I am not a rape supporter. If you watch the documentary which I recommend, you will learn that has a rape fantasy doesn’t mean they want to get raped. What an absurd opinion even I never mentioned that. You just understand what you want. I suggest you try to be a rational and researcher person so you can become more objective.

    Hentai is porn and most of them for men. Why does a woman like to see how they are being belittled? Also In hentai, there is no plot it is just sex so you can’t compare it to yaoi. It is another issue so there is no need for me to argue about that.

    If someone thinks rape is normal because of fiction I doubt that they have a brain. Rape is criminal and can’t accept no matter what. Everybody should know that except for idiots and criminals.

    qwuen December 23, 2020 9:16 pm
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    No, I am reading for 5 years. Killing stalking is the first webtoon that I read. I saw just a few of them. Maybe their count increased. I can’t understand them but probably it is like Stockholm syndrome. Mangaka has done a good job of getting readers to experience Stockholm syndrome. Yeah, it is the only explanation that I can think about it.

    qwuen December 23, 2020 9:20 pm
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    People who can attack you because of your opinion is irritating. But there is nothing to do for them, usually changing opinion is hard for many people. They always support their ideas without thinking.

    qwuen December 23, 2020 9:21 pm
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    People who can attack you because of your opinion is irritating. But there is nothing to do for them, usually changing opinion is hard for many people. They always support their ideas without thinking.

    AnonymousQueen December 24, 2020 1:29 am
    But the reason for her hate to others character is because the character doing something terrible to his uke, I point that her favorite character do same but she can still like him (so much), thats why I said s... Constellation Mad Plotter

    Oh okay, I understand. Your friend is just biased. That's it.

    qwuen December 24, 2020 11:09 am
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    Yeah okay, you are right. I think we do not need to discuss it anymore it is unnecessary. You don't understand and just saying the same things. I don't like arguing with people who do not try to understand. Even so, it was a pleasure to talking with you. Also, sorry if my English was not good. Have a nice day.