This manhwa has depicted diff types of toxicity in a relationship. Joowon and Haesoo had t...

naacha December 22, 2020 3:12 pm

This manhwa has depicted diff types of toxicity in a relationship. Joowon and Haesoo had this messed up relationship where they couldn't let go of each other but also couldn't be together. They were also very selfish in their own way only giving in a little bit but mostly protecting their hearts from the mess that was their feelings for each other. We see certain moments where they really brought out the ugly in themselves and that was something the author didn't shy away from. Taku was also toxic in his own right. He went into this because he was curious and wanted to mess with Joowon a little bit so he decided to get close to Haesoo, got curious of the messed up shit that was happening between the two and dived right in, and ultimately fell in love but went about it in his own toxic way- manipulation and being forceful of his emotions.

If you think about it objectively, the manhwa is pretty fascinating because it shows you how love can bring out the ugliest sides to people but also how nothing great can actually come out of it- ex. the mess that was Joowon and Haesoo, and also why Taku can never make Haesoo fall for him. The characters have so much bad in them there is so much room for growth.

I find it disappointing how some readers are so obsessed with their ships that they have gone into this war of this person is toxic while the other is an angel, or this person is toxic and this one isn't, needing to paint someone as evil in order to alleviate the other character. When this could be such a great discussion for what is right and wrong, what can and cannot be done, what is healthy and what is toxic that can be applied to real life situations. Every character in the manhwa needs growth and development because they are messed up.

Honestly I don't care who others ship because that's their right as readers, however the "joowon is toxic, Haesoo is a cheater and a slut, and Taku is the only good one he is the angel" narrative is getting exhausting and frankly dumb. It's disappointing to me that some readers only got that after reading this. How some of you summed up each character into these few words and attached to them definitions that you want that don't do the characters justice. You can feel sorry for a character but you don't need to drag them down. You can love a character without putting them in a pedestal and absolving them of their questionable and toxic traits. I personally like Joowon, does that mean I am blind to his faults? Nope. I actually didn't want him to end up with Haesoo if he didn't straighten his shit out. He was flawed and thank fuck he finally acknowledged it and did something about it. That's the thing though, you can like a character but still acknowledge if they are being an asshole or not.

Also, people might think it's dumb how some of us are fucking tired and ranting about this bs esp since this is just a manhwa but if you actually are in social media and actually follow this manhwa you will know that the author has been hareassed by so many stans that are pissed they didn't get the ending that they want. This to me is too much. You can be disappointed of the outcome but at least be mature enough to respect the author bec frankly yall don't have any right to demand shit from her.

    (*^ω^*)love_ December 22, 2020 3:52 pm


    gardenfairy December 22, 2020 7:13 pm


    Angie December 22, 2020 9:39 pm

    Exactly. Unfortunately most people focused on ship wars and didn't care about the actual story in the slightest.