Like I'm happy for Haesoo and Joowon. I wanted them to end up together, Im not even gonna lie but I was deada** sad for Taku. Like ughhhh why can't everyone just be happy??? Like Joown you get Haesoo on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Taku get him Thursday, Friday and Saturday and they both get him sunday??
But we have to be realistic here. I just hope that Taku can find someone and be happy cause I'd slide in, sh*t. Like I'll be your personal portrait. I like curly heads. With his fine a**. But in the end I cant.. :c either way somebody please come along for Taku!
That’s why I always hesitate to start reading a love triangle story. Yes, it is thrilling to find out who is going to be with whom, but heartbreaks are also bound to happen, especially when the characters are well written with nuance like they are in here.
Like I'm happy for Haesoo and Joowon. I wanted them to end up together, Im not even gonna lie but I was deada** sad for Taku. Like ughhhh why can't everyone just be happy??? Like Joown you get Haesoo on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Taku get him Thursday, Friday and Saturday and they both get him sunday??
But we have to be realistic here. I just hope that Taku can find someone and be happy cause I'd slide in, sh*t. Like I'll be your personal portrait. I like curly heads. With his fine a**. But in the end I cant.. :c either way somebody please come along for Taku!