Going on tiktok/twitter makes me realize that a lot of Taku stans are minors and they hone...

gardenfairy December 22, 2020 3:15 am

Going on tiktok/twitter makes me realize that a lot of Taku stans are minors and they honestly just dont seem mature enough to understand the story. They really view Loh as "haesoo = victim, joowon = perpetrator, taku = haesoo's saviour", which is possibly the furthest thing this story could ever be.

And I dont mean you can't be mature AND support Taku/Taehae. But a mature reader would realize that Taku was selfish, and used manipulative tactics to get Haesoo. So yes: you can still like Taku's character, since all Loh characters have their flaws. But also understand that he wasn't any "saviour" for Haesoo. What a joke. The relationship between him and Haesoo wasn't healthy, as it was based on them using each other. In contrast, Joowon and Haesoo's unhealthy relationship is not about abuser and victim lol. It's about a pair broken through familial/societal pressures and miscommunication (eg. Haesoo not realizing that Joowon said "dont fall for me", not because he doesnt love Haesoo. But because he's scared that they'll be separated if they define their relationship // Meanwhile Joowon not realizing that it wasnt Haesoo's CHOICE to abandon him). And the development in this story does not involve "escaping" the relationship. It's about the characters being brave enough to FIX their relationship, and face their fears to admit their feelings for someone they genuinely love.

The immature taku/taehae stans also see the stepbrother issue in black and white, and completely ignore all the CONTEXT this story gives: about how how Haesoo and Joowon are literally two strangers with no biological relation, forced to live in under the same roof by their parents at age 16 (something they never wanted). They live together for barely 3 years and develop zero sibling bond or connection, but liked each other romantically close to the start. They met up years later after the divorce, and at this point in the story it's been over 8+ years of them being completely unrelated, not even a paper to say theyre "siblings". Like I dont know why these kids reading Loh refuse to understand that this is a morally grey situation and that Joohae's relationship is understandable in many ways despite hints of taboo lol

    YAOI-MEN-RAIL-ME-PLEASE December 22, 2020 12:44 am

    me:who tf thought like that !?!?!?*clickes the plus* damnnnnn...im to lazy to read all that TwT

    gardenfairy December 22, 2020 1:05 am
    me:who tf thought like that !?!?!?*clickes the plus* damnnnnn...im to lazy to read all that TwT YAOI-MEN-RAIL-ME-PLEASE

    lol it's all good. basically this is just me ranting about how the story definitely isnt THAT, and taku isn't a perfect character and taehae's relationship isnt healthy. and ranting abt the stepbrother "issue" lol

    soup December 22, 2020 3:12 am


    ICED COFFEE December 22, 2020 3:14 am

    finally someone understands,,, i agree om what u said ♡

    BeeTee December 22, 2020 3:31 am


    meraki December 22, 2020 3:58 am


    Fujoneko December 22, 2020 4:27 am

    Finally someone I hope all those minors read this and be educated about it

    bah-hah ❤ December 22, 2020 6:23 am

    she did not sutter

    bah-hah ❤ December 22, 2020 6:23 am
    she did not sutter bah-hah ❤


    Lulu December 22, 2020 7:39 am

    YES!! I totally agree with you! Because all three of them have flaws but slowly they begin to change. Tbh at first I really have love and hate relationship with this manga because some part really frustrating me but what I love the most about this manga is I can see the characters development which is amazing!ヾ(☆▽☆)

    hannietea December 22, 2020 7:46 am

    GO OFF!! Exactly what I’ve been wanting to say. Love isn’t some kind of black and white situation. They’re all human after all, the context behind their feelings throughout this whole story is actually rlly complex which is why every character is toxic. They are all learning from their experiences by being together. Like in Taku’s situation, he’s slowly understanding how it is to love someone and this relationship with Haesoo will impact him in the future to actually take his romantic relationships with people much seriously. He realized how it is to love someone deeply and not just abandoning them just like his previous partners

    Waiwai December 22, 2020 9:00 am

    Omg thank you. I be saying to myself these Taku stans must be children or just bad at reading cuz they be shitting on Joohae and act like Taku is a whole ass angel