Taku/Haesoo relationship was the most flavorless thing i've ever seen cause haesoo was just a gloomy mf pining after Joowon the whole time.
And yes it's ACTUALLY true: most Taku supporters are minors (hence why theyre all over tiktok). they lack reading comprehension and think haesoo = victim, joowon = abuser, taku = savior. it's pathetic really how they throw around the word "toxic relationship" without even understanding what theyre saying. I honestly just think theyre not mature enough to understand this story or its characters.
Thank god it's not the minors that are paying Yeongha's bills tho lmaooo

exactlyyyy!! and like most of them complaining shits like "oh why even put taku in the picture just for him to ending up hurt" bruh do these bitches even know what love triangle is and its yd's story for god's sake let her do whatever the fuck she wants in the story the hypocrisy when they said we tryna bribe yd with all of the bday preparations for joowons bday and they themselves got a whole bus on taku's bday guess they mad the bribery didnt work like they thought it would
team taku flavourless and bland asf lol the shits yall come up with in the comment section im just gonna assume most of yall are minors with savior kinks who think like most of the shoujo second leads taku came to rescue innocent haesoo from the wrongdoings of his evil stepbro im telling yall the second leads are not always the best choice pls yall didnt even read this story properly yall actually didnt understand takuxhs was toxic asf too taku still manipulating and guiltripping haesoo till the end