Stopped in the middle of chapter 8. Is she going to be one of those who says, "I forgive y...

FairyGodMother December 21, 2020 9:53 am

Stopped in the middle of chapter 8. Is she going to be one of those who says, "I forgive you", "Everyone deserves a second chance", or some shit along the lines of "friendship and love is the cure to everything"? Cause I'm more of a "get it over and done with, so kill".

    cheese December 21, 2020 10:54 am

    not really, i mean it’s primarily scarlett doing the dirty work, she’s not really a happy-go-lucky kinda character. i would say her mindset is changing over the chapters to see the true horrors of aristocracy and even the common folk

    plinky25 December 21, 2020 12:16 pm

    Lmao no. If it’s something that actually involves her (not Scarlett or outside matters) then she’ll handle it however she sees it. In chapter 8, even though she let it end on a good note, she doesn’t just forgive and give him a second chance. This was a sort of closure and she made sure to end it so she doesn’t have to deal with him anymore. Her helping him with the work wasn’t actually for him- but for the people that were troubled by him/his work.

    That’s pretty much part of this story, she gains character development and knowledge as she learns more. You stopped reading on chapter 8, meaning you couldn’t see any possible character development in the rest of the chapters. Plus her changing isn’t something that happens in a day or like 2 chapters, it’s something that grows slowly. By all means you can drop the story now but you’ll be missing out
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭