Not to fucking mention that he was your best friend tf you were supposed to be their wingman you only made shit complicated I would usually not give a fuck but goddamn.
Also don't even try to argue with me suhun is not sweet hes a fucking bitch he should be thrown into the pits of hell.
Some things are ment to be kept a secret if you actually cared about them you wouldn't have confessed oml I'm fucking heated

You’re waaaaaayyyyy off Sehun didn’t do anything wrong nor did he end his friendships nor did he ever say he hated Sijun he can’t control how he feels all he can do is work out his feelings that’s why he’s taking time away from Sijun because he still wants to be his friend. Your anger is misplaced you’re seeing what you want to see instead of what’s actually going on
Sehun is not only a bitch he's also a pussy what gives you the right to think your better then someon else, what gives you the right to hate ML when you knew you were going to get rejected you ruined two friendships like that and its your own fault suhun should be fucking grateful ML actually wanted to talk to him, I would have just gave up on our friendship right then and their