I read the Spanish translations using Google Translate, so I'm gonna summarize it for you. SPOILERS AHEAD! buckle up
Jaeyoung and Sangwoo continue to work together on the Chinese play (which ends up being a hit) and Jaeyoung improves his behavior towards Sangwoo. SW starts crushing on JY, but doesn't realize it (he thinks that his heart beating around JY is him being angry, lol). at one point JY wants to give SW a reward and he suggests a movie, which SW refuses bc he doesn't want to go with JY, but JY says something along the lines of "who says I was going to go with you". there's some cute episodes like JY getting drunk and having a hangover during a class and SW buying a hangover recovery drink for him without being able to control himself, but not giving it to JY because he sees him with a girl (Yuna, an underclassman) which makes him jealous without realizing it.
anyway, at one point they sit together and SW keeps noticing JY and him licking his lips and them JY moves closer and whispers in SW's ear "come to the movies with me", at which point SW gets flustered and gets a boner and runs out. he skips his morning classes the next day, which pisses JY off and makes him come to his house and bang at his door. they have an argument through the door along the lines of why SW is so opposed to going to the movies with JY and we learn that SW has a very utilitarian approach to relationships, which he sees as a means to marriage and procreation. therefore, starting something with a man is unfathomable to him, so he's very confused by his physical reaction to JY which he identifies as sexual in nature (we learn that his mom has a similar character to him, and that she explained to him what erections mean at age 11 when he said he had one after seing a picture of a model, and then she explains what he has to do about it, omg). JY gives up doesn't show up to SW's classes, which makes SW realize that he can't function properly without the 'error' that is JY anymore. so he goes with Jihye (fairy girl) to the restaurant where JY works and then accosts him during his smoke break to ask him to work together on the mobile game for the next 4 months. he uses a secret weapon and calls JY "hyung" and JY agrees
they start working together, tediously at first, as JY is apprehensive and torn between wanting to spend time with SW and knowing there can't be anything between them (at one point we find out that JY had a thing with a guy when he was abroad, so he's bi). as they progress with the game, they start working together in the same practice room, which they have to share with Yuna, JY's underslassman (SW and Yuna keep bickering, which is cute). at one point JY falls asleep during work and SW kisses him after checking if he's awake (JY woke up at one point, but pretended to sleep to see what happens). then SW gets drunk (I forgot why) and they meet and SW kisses JY again (that is twice he took the initiative and we learn that SW is quite a fiery kisser XD). however he is still torn about his attraction to JY so in the following days JY convinces SW that the only good way to get rid of his sexual frustration is by giving into it, and so starts their friends with benefits relationship.
they end up going to the movies and then making out and getting off in JY's car, but SW still doesn't want to go all the way. they argue and SW has a meltdown and later JY checks SW's computer and finds out why - SW decided to research how it works between 2 guys and ends up downloading some really hardcore BDSM stuff, lol. he didn't want to hurt JY like in those videos (I swear, SW is such a cinammon roll) JY also learns that SW had a folder of pictures of JY and videos and music he liked, which he collected during the period they weren't seeing each other, which is super cute. JY later clarifies things for SW that it doesn't have to be painful and SW doesn't have to do the 'giving' so they do end up having sex, which is awkward at first, and absolutely HOT afterwards. SW is quite honest in bed, is all I'm gonna say...
anyway, things progress naturally from there, they make good progress with the game and they basically end up dating and being cute together. JY realizez he loves SW, but has angst about SW seeing their relationship as a means to an end, plus JY has to leave for the U.S. after he graduates in a few months, so things get complicated. they have some very steamy sex and SW becomes closer to JY. at one point JY has to go out of town to see his family, with which he has a bad relationship, and then SW says he misses him, so JY comes back and SW comforts him.
later on they go to a music studio for their game soundtrack and a woman working there shows interest in JY, which SW doesn't take well - he is clearly jealous, but doesn't accept it. he talks about it with JY, who is of course happy about this, but then SW says that JY is going anyway and that he should find someone else to alleviate his sexual desires, which haven't gone down at all since they started their relationship.
JY gets mad and starts avoiding SW, so SW gets nervous and asks Yuna for advice. he ends up dressing up (with clothes JY bought for him) and going out, to spite JY. JY calls him and finds out and becomes really angry. SW's phone dies and then he gets drunk and gets hit on by a douchebag, who kisses him and tries to go further. SW realizes that nobody else does it for him, so he stops the douchebag, but they get into a fight which is stopped by JY. they argue and JY is extremely angry and jealous, which scares SW. SW then yells that JY ruined him, that he doesn't want to do it with anyone else and that JY is going to leave him and get a girlfriend. then he falls asleep before finishing the argument, lol.
JY takes him to his house, they have a cuddly time together and JY wants to express his feelings, but SW is not ready. however, SW surprizes yet again, because he confesses he likes his hyung a while later, after asking JY for help with the design of a ppt presentation and being in awe of his skill. but then SW gets scared and flees before JY can convince him to say it again, and then he asks JY to leave him alone for 2 weeks for exam period. he tries to clarify his feelings and discusses his situation with Jihye (fairy girl) and finally has the revelation that love doesn't have to be a utilitarian means to procreation, but it can be fun, like video games. Jihye recommends that he communicate with his partner
SW ignores that, of course, and decides to give up on JY, even though he acknowledges his feelings for him, because of the problem with JY leaving the country soon, which his brain can't find a solution to. he goes through a lot of turmoil, which comes to a boiling point after a few days when JY meets him and asks for his help in moving, only to later learn than he want to move into SW's appartment. SW thinks JY is playing with him, so he makes a run for it and then ensues a hilarious bit where SW gets into a cab and JY follows him in his car all the way out of the city, to the beach.
there, SW again admits to his feelings and then JY finally says SW is ready to hear his own feelings and admits to loving him as well. we learn that JY tried to enroll SW in a compsci program in the university in the U.S. as well, but couldn't, so he decided to stay in Korea to be with his boyfriend, as his portolio was already good enough to get hired anywhere (especially with the success of their mobile game). so they start going out, whoop whoop!
we get a few cute and emotional episodes into their relationship:
one in which JY makes a lot of compromises and abides by a lot of rules to be with SW. he ends up making SW change his mind about some of them, most notably the rules about doing it only during the weekends...
in another, we see them a year and a half into the relationship and SW planned an ellaborate and cliche romantic night to propose to JY, which is goes hilariously wrong and ends up in a powerpoint presentation as to why JY should accept SW's proposal to get married in exactly 6 years XD.
and in the last one, we see them going to SW's house to meet the parents: JY is very nervous, but things go pretty well (SW's father is speechless that SW is capable of deep feelings, and JY hears SW telling his mom, who is very matter-of-fact and blase about the whole thing, which makes JY laugh) it ends with JY going to SW's room and contemplating about the many ways they are different as people and the many ways in which things could have gone differently and what a coincidence it was for them to be able to end up meeting and being in a relationship. JY ends up tearing up and is comforted by SW. we also learn that they will go to the U.S. togethe, as SW found a good job, and JY reapplied for graduate school a third time. THE END
I can honestly say it was an absolutely lovely read, in spite of the choppy Google translation and I can't wait for the official English translation. it's going to be one of those books that I will reread for the rest of eternity. I am also drooling for the next chapters of the manhwa and I am very much sad that we won't be seeing the steamy parts as well, they were very satisfying also on an emotional level, as they had much more going on apart from the sex itself...
hope the summary helped :D

sure, here's the link; https://novelasblparasiempre.blogspot.com/2020/11/error-semantico-1.html
Jaeyoung is top, after having clarified the whole BDSM situation with Sangwoo XD

yeah, he was always gonna be top ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
it was really funny how Sangwoo just assumed that he was going to have to be on top, and will have to inflict pain on Jaeyoung the same way he saw in the videos he downloaded, and Jaeyoung had to then explain the obvious fact that they are both men so Sangwoo doesn't have to be the one in the active role and also that the act doesn't have to be painful. like, how can someone be so sheltered? XD that's Sangwoo for you. I am really curious how this situation will be handled in the manhwa, if they won't be showing the 18+ scenes, in the novel the part was quite amusing and involved some hand gestures...
Anyone read the novel and can give some spoilers pls??