I never stated that he had the right to kill anyone. Please don't put words in my mouth. If you disagreed with what I said, that is perfectly fine, but please dont assume my views. I agree that a person's bad situation does not give them the right to do bad things. It is an explanation not an excuse. His situation explains why he had a mental illness and that mental illness explains why he acts the way he acts and do the things he does. If he was evaluated, he would be declared mental ill and in need of treatment and supervision. You can call him a murderer because he is, but you cant ignore the fact that he is a victim too. A change of environment is what he needs. Murderer or not.

But you are excusing him? You keep saying "if he was evaluated" "a change of environment is what he needs" as though someone should do it for him. It's ignoring the fact that he is an adult with the autonomy to change his own environment or get himself evaluated. He has not (a personal choice at his age) and instead does horrible things like murder and attempted murder. There are consequences for actions and his consequence should be jail and being kept away from society because he has demonstrated the capacity for such acts.

Either you have misunderstood me or you are putting words in my mouth. I never said that others should change his environment for him. I implied that he should do that by leaving or going to a therapist. Also, I believe that you are ignoring the fact that he is mentally unstable. Jail is not the only consequence. If he is caught and put on trail, his lawyer can claim mental illness, and instead of going to jail, he could go to a another place for mental treatment.

I fully agree with you, and the fact that he is who he is now because of all the bad experience he's gone through his whole life. Mental illness is not something trivial and easy to cure by himself, if no one can help him in a way and change his mind on different things or even help him with his father problem, then there is no point in saying he is capable of being a better human. And besides, every story has a villain and we all know that the main purpose for a villain Is for the protagonist to shine brighter. With that being said, let's just say that we wished at least he learns and realised from his mistakes and horrible deeds.
I didn't like that he tried to kill people, but I do like Sangmin. I also dont expect a person that has been abused their whole life and is still being abused to be sane. So I want him to either go to a therapist to get the help he needs or to just pack his stuff up an leave. I honestly don't care about the sister's revenge. The older brother seemed just as abusive as the father and it seem he did take care of Sangmin's mom like he should of. How can you blame your brother for your dad not keeping it in his pants then at the same time turn around and accept your sister who is also not from your mother? The audacity. In sum, Sangmin needs to break away and go do his own thing. Be free. Change your environment. Maybe then he could become a very decent and content person.