116 Spoilers!!!! tw suicide

Alice December 20, 2020 6:35 pm

Okay so the worst we feared did happen. But it was even worse. Byun started to bet on horses, then tried to commit suicide by throwing himself into this lake river whatever it was. He was crying, trembling and fearful. Honestly the worst manga panels I saw in my life. Somehow he was saved and Wookyung was called to tend to him. Wookyung took Byun to his place, then started to beat him off right as he locked the door. The manga ends with Wookyung blushing while he kisses a Byun with bruises on his face. This is horrible, just plain horrible. I know it's fictional and whatever but I did not sing up to see and read something this vicious. All I wanted was a fun BDSM manga with some crazy drama and horny characters. Plus I don't think Wookyung deserved to be written like this. He was such a great character and now I'll forever have that image stuck in my brain. Sorry if I am overreacting, I am just boiling with emotions rn.

    pikachybee December 20, 2020 6:45 pm

    I ALSO READ 116....BRO IM GETTING SO PISSED AT THIS STORY. .....wtf is happening why is the author hurting this boy so much...

    Alice December 20, 2020 6:50 pm
    I ALSO READ 116....BRO IM GETTING SO PISSED AT THIS STORY. .....wtf is happening why is the author hurting this boy so much... pikachybee

    I DON'T KNOW. I just don't get it. I am sure many people picked this up thinking it was going to be a chill read. Placing something so triggering also out of the blue is so vile by itself. Like if this was a horror manga, I would have expected this but never in a million years I saw this coming... how can someone be so heartless towards a character who tried commuting suicide... even if it's fiction, it's still really hard to digest and inhumane. At least for me.

    Alice December 20, 2020 6:51 pm
    I DON'T KNOW. I just don't get it. I am sure many people picked this up thinking it was going to be a chill read. Placing something so triggering also out of the blue is so vile by itself. Like if this was a ho... Alice


    pikachybee December 20, 2020 6:58 pm
    committing* Alice

    My problem is that the author attempted to vilify his character in the beginning and make the other characters out to be heroes or avengers or some sht. Mino deserves the most happiest ending .....F the main female bch honestly.

    Alice December 20, 2020 7:00 pm
    My problem is that the author attempted to vilify his character in the beginning and make the other characters out to be heroes or avengers or some sht. Mino deserves the most happiest ending .....F the main fe... pikachybee

    He was never as bad as the other two. Byun just ran his mouth a lot like a dog but didn't really bite, if that makes sense. Verbal abuse is not as bad.

    Alice December 20, 2020 7:04 pm

    I read some early translations and apparently Byun passed the writing of the megane chubby guy as his own. He also sold his tablet. Apparently used the rest of the money on betting horses while drunk. Because of that, however, he had to pay a fine or other measures will be taken. He contemplated committing suicide then went to Wookyung's publishing house to ask for money. Wookyung took him to his office and locked the door. He started to beat him up, saying things such as "It suits you when you're unhappy. Can you always be like this by my side?" as he punched his face and then kissed his cheek.

    pikachybee December 20, 2020 7:10 pm
    I read some early translations and apparently Byun passed the writing of the megane chubby guy as his own. He also sold his tablet. Apparently used the rest of the money on betting horses while drunk. Because o... Alice

    So he is broken down basically.....i dont think i can stomach any more chapters. He does not deserve this.

    Yeezy101 December 20, 2020 11:02 pm

    What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck

    Yeezy101 December 20, 2020 11:03 pm

    Bro that's taking it wayyy too far,,, poor byun

    Yeezy101 December 20, 2020 11:06 pm
    I ALSO READ 116....BRO IM GETTING SO PISSED AT THIS STORY. .....wtf is happening why is the author hurting this boy so much... pikachybee

    One of the reasons is that the author made Byun an insert for someone she hates irl. He's not a character, just something for the author to vent her frustrations on.

    pikachybee December 20, 2020 11:16 pm
    One of the reasons is that the author made Byun an insert for someone she hates irl. He's not a character, just something for the author to vent her frustrations on. Yeezy101

    Thats messed up.... well it did the opposite for me... i frankly hate the main fl.... and now adore and want to protect Minho from these evil people. I didn't like Minho in the beginning...but after getting to know his background and why he is who he is... i learnt that he's just a normal guy whose stressed the f out in this corporate society of perfectionism....

    Bruhholdup December 21, 2020 1:11 am

    where are yall viewing the raws from? from chapter 115, it seems that the story was following the purple haired girl so how did the story quickly flipped from there?

    Tai December 21, 2020 2:29 am

    tbf. wookyung did this exact thing to minho early on in the comic run. so...this isnt out of character at all? its just a pity he didnt change his uh style of courtship in the almost 3 years since those panels of him kicking the shit out of minho in that i think dept store bathroom back in idk 2018?? i wasnt shocked that he did it just that it happened SO fast after finally getting ahold of minho but idk maybe he just likes punching his male lovers who can presume to know the mind of a perverted sociopath like wookyung? lol (plus the author said she loosely based him on HunterxHunter's hisoka. now...ive never watched that show, but by all accounts he is a bloodthirsty villain! so idt readers were mislead about what kind of guy WK was. its more like cause he's hot and charming sometimes u want him to be less of a psycho but alas he is just a hot psycho. but since this is fiction its ok, u can like the hot psycho. i wont judge u sis. lol) that said my real peeve is WHY hit such a handsome man in the face. where one its obvious he got beat up and two u will RUIN his face! this is vandalism if u ask me! (but also i think there's def some weird fetish going on here cause he's been beaten bloody at least 2-3x prior to this scene by diff charas in the pastwell ok just WK and Doona iirc)

    Tai December 21, 2020 2:47 am
    I DON'T KNOW. I just don't get it. I am sure many people picked this up thinking it was going to be a chill read. Placing something so triggering also out of the blue is so vile by itself. Like if this was a ho... Alice

    i dont think this comic has ever had an ounce of chill...but i mean yeah it started off a bit lighter than it became but i think WK and Doona showed their dark sides within the first 20 chpts iirc? too lazy to double check but! the title isnt hinting at anything chill either imo. i mean is sadism ever chill even when its consenual? i mean its like the X games of sexy time. u watch/do it for the extreme highs and sensations. albeit doona def came off as less predatory early on even when she beat him up in that hotel the first time, it hit different back then cause well he was less sympthetic and she was still struggling in alot of ways. (lmao if fans are genuinely the reason that author constantly escalates minho's abuse and decided to make sure him and doona never happen. i suspect it was gonna be a polyamory/3some situation at first. or a love/hate thing. and then it became smth else...that said making art is hard who can blame her for wanting to feed the fangirls..)

    toastyBooksAndTea December 21, 2020 3:21 am
    tbf. wookyung did this exact thing to minho early on in the comic run. so...this isnt out of character at all? its just a pity he didnt change his uh style of courtship in the almost 3 years since those panels ... Tai

    EXACTLY!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! WOOKYUNG???? A GREAT CHARACTER???? WHAT ARE SOME OF YOU GUYS EVEN SAYING HOLY SHIT!!!! This flashback literally shows Wookyung descend into some really fucked up dark desires with little to no remorse, that’s literally the earliest we see of him in this manga, he was never fine so how could he be ok later???? also are we really reading the same manhwa??? Because fucking hell does no one remember what happened the first time Wookyung got Minho??? He destroyed his professional life and drove him into a corner so he could possess his entire body for non consensual sexual violence??!!? That was a really fucked up arc and I was genuinely very scared and very afraid reading it. How does no one remember? If Minho didn’t escape then who the fuck know what would have happened to him, I genuinely feel like he would have end up being murdered by Wookyung while Woolyung was in the middle of sexually assaulting him. That was as bad as this ending, Wookyung has always been a fucking narcissistic sociopath, he gets off on the non consensual fear and violence, there is no bdsm there, it is plain assault, there was never anything ok about Wookyung, even when he met Doona the screws in his head were already fucking disintegrated with no hope for repair, this man planned and elaborate set up designed to make Minho have no options in life, professionally and personally, so he could posses him to inflict upon him sexual assault for as long as he feels like, or, let’s be real this isn’t a stretch, until Minho is dead. ALSO THE CHAPTERS WHERE WOOKYUNG DRIVES MINHO INTO A CORNER AND FORCES HIM TO BECOME A NON CONSENTING SEX SLAVE ISNT THAT FAR BACK IN THE TIMELINE SO HOW THE FUCK DID EVERYONE FORGET ABOUT THAT???????

    Alice December 21, 2020 5:05 am
    tbf. wookyung did this exact thing to minho early on in the comic run. so...this isnt out of character at all? its just a pity he didnt change his uh style of courtship in the almost 3 years since those panels ... Tai

    I never said that. I just believed he'd change and do better. Out of all the characters he is the only one that could realise he did wrong on his own imo. I never saw him as bad as others did, mostly thought he got tempted and made a really bad mistake. But that's just me.

    Alice December 21, 2020 5:11 am
    i dont think this comic has ever had an ounce of chill...but i mean yeah it started off a bit lighter than it became but i think WK and Doona showed their dark sides within the first 20 chpts iirc? too lazy to ... Tai

    I mean to me hardcore BDSM is a chill read lol. That is a very subjective thing. The extreme high and sensations are quite chill for me because they are fun to read. Seeing suicide out of the blue is not really tho.

    Alice December 21, 2020 6:10 am
    EXACTLY!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! WOOKYUNG???? A GREAT CHARACTER???? WHAT ARE SOME OF YOU GUYS EVEN SAYING HOLY SHIT!!!! This flashback literally shows Wookyung descend into some really fucked up dark desires with litt... toastyBooksAndTea

    I 100% agree and see where you're coming from. I meant a great character in the fucked up horny kind of way. As in, he was very complex and had some emotional drama that if explored, would have been very interesting. I never equal being a great character with being a morally good character. A villain can be a great character if written well. I do remember but I still lied to myself and believed he'd do better. I just believed in him and in him realizing he did wrong. He could have as well go on a path where he realized BDSM can be exciting without rape and punching and maybe he could have filled the hole in his heart with actual love. I didn't want to see him fall like this again, he is a lot more rational than characters like Byun so i did hope things will turn out better for him. But they didn't. That's all.

    Tai December 21, 2020 6:34 am
    I mean to me hardcore BDSM is a chill read lol. That is a very subjective thing. The extreme high and sensations are quite chill for me because they are fun to read. Seeing suicide out of the blue is not really... Alice

    a suicide attempt seemed like a logical next step for the narrative to take wrt minho. i assumed he would be stopped by something/someone (or give up cause of fear). i didnt want him to succeed nor did i want him to try to kill himself but i wasnt shocked at all that he did. wk is a sociopath like i've said in the past. but he's a well written one. because he's charming and capable of being affectionate and pass as a normal guy. but he has a darkness to him that clearly shows he's not a well adjusted human. and ofc uc an make that argument for multiple characaters in the series but i think the main diff between him and doona is, doona can find a healthy relationship because her natural inclination isnt to make people terrified and harm them. its clear her idea of domination and sadism is alot softer than wk's when we see how she acts with gyerin and haesol. all of her fucked up actions were with minho and that one time with jongwoo and wookyung and thats cause wookyung was being pretty mean to jongwoo and she decided to teach him a (very sexy) lesson. (note how utterly charmed jongwoo was with doona afterwards, too bad she wasnt over minho yet so we didnt get a jongwooxdoona arc lol. haesol is cute but jongwoo is more my type negl..) so like Doona is a messy person but not a sociopath. whereas WK literally cannot express or feel love like a normal person. he cant rly do sex that doesnt involve an element of violence. (i dont count spanking as violence but choking? beatings?). anyway i think he's hot and a great character too but there's no universe where he wasnt going to be horrible to minho. but like his last prolonged interaction with minho, his behavior didnt make sense for a person with some sense. he's not an impulsive wild man. its bizarre he would beat this man up right in his office of his workplace. literally the second after he gets him where he wants him. thats why i said carrot vs stick in my msgs to u earlier. wookyung's actions didnt bother me cause they were cruel (because he IS cruel lol. not always! but generally...he is a calculating mofo. a true machiavelli aka the "end justifies means" guy) but because they were STUPID. and screamed of writing shortcut. and yes def felt like the author was in a rush to have more minho suffering because its what the people want i guess? lol. but yeah i wasnt hurt by it im sorry you were so unhappy with the events but tbh it was expected that wookyung would be a vicious master, but just figured he'd more uh elegant about it? esp after what im told he said to haesol in the cafe that time. was him trying to change his approach to getting ahold of minho. but oh well. its not the first time the writer decided to change things up as she desires. at this point im happy when we get a good sex scene. and i didnt hate the haesolxdoona fuck in front of minho scene but the sex scenes between minho and doona after they started living together were kinda just...sad. if Yeonhee wants to torture Minho so much i just wish she'd make him less pathetic in the process. if he was a rich bastard with actual societal power then these scenes would hit different. but he's alrdy a sad sack broken down man and this chpt happening so soon after the scenes with doona in the bath and apartment was just...tiring. that said im still happy to see that crazy fucker Wookyung again. im ez to please i giss.

    Tai December 21, 2020 6:43 am
    EXACTLY!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! WOOKYUNG???? A GREAT CHARACTER???? WHAT ARE SOME OF YOU GUYS EVEN SAYING HOLY SHIT!!!! This flashback literally shows Wookyung descend into some really fucked up dark desires with litt... toastyBooksAndTea

    it wasnt far off in the timeline but it was seperated by years. if someone started the comic back when it first came about. its easy to forget what happened from then to now. i started reading this comic This year, around the summertime. so i rememebr very well but if i was soemone who started it back in the lezhin days (when that scene with wk and minho first happened) i would've surely forgotten most of it by now.
    i think WK is a great character because he is truly a sociopath. he can be charming and pass as normal but he can also be calculating and vicious. he doesnt feel or express love like a normal person would or should. even his view of bdsm is rly distorted. altho doona was awful to minho. her fantasy of him in ch86 as well as her behavior with haesol and gyerin (and even jongwoo) indicates not only that she doesnt share wk's opinions on what's kinky and what isnt but also that she can and is usually a good and considerate sex partner. even when she fucked up early on with haesol she felt bad about it and apologized and they found a good rhythym after some bumps in their sexual relationship in the beginning. but wookyung has never seen what he did to minho or jongwoo or anything he does or thinks as bad or wrong. it seemed like he MIGHT be self reflecting in a scene (not yet in english) from a chpt in the 100s where wk talks a bit to haesol in a cafe about feeling regret towards past actions. ofc a sociopath doesnt feel regret (like in the DSM thats one of their distinguishing traits) so...naturally he just did the same thing he did the first time the second he saw minho. my issue with the scene was it made not a lick of sense that he'd break a man's nose in his workplace office. like...how does he plan to cover that up? like did people in the building not hear minho cry or scream? he coudlnt wait to take minho somewhere privately before beating him up? i also thought that scene with them in the dept store back in the beginning was absurd too. not cause WK isnt a scary bastard but because it seemed wildly convoluted and unnecessary (and ineffective) when just taking advantage of minho when he was drunk and naked in his (wk's) bed woulda been easier and less complicated. and then he could also blackmail minho with compromising photos. so yeah the arc was just Very silly. and in thsi case too his actions dont make no sense. he's supposed to be a smart guy no? but yeah i guess the author just wants to jump right into the next series of minho abuse scenes so i guess...shortcuts will need to be taken. smh!