While I like Navier and sympathise with what she's going through

VermillionQueen December 20, 2020 4:36 pm

Her insistence on hating Rashta's child is very disappointing. Its also unwise that she's being so open about it. No matter what the baby's parents are like the baby is innocent. And if anything were to happen to the baby the first person they would look to for blame will be Navier.

    Itsme_ December 21, 2020 5:40 pm

    well i mean thats the baby that the guy she loved had with his concubine which doesnt make it right but you gotta put urself in her shoes and understand why shes acting like this

    Duhbitch December 21, 2020 6:29 pm

    It is not hers thought... Atleast she doesn't act that she like the child and if there's no one around she abuse the child or sumn like dat. Its not even sobieshus child in the first place soo thank god she didn't accept it