That is true, but I guess it all depends on the reader's perspective and hoe they will take this manhwa. I understand your opinion and that's okay. I like how this is really different and not only shows us the struggles of side-characters but gives us a sense of how those side characters feel when they are not needed, how they don't want to do what the creators are making them do. They just want a better and happy ending for themselves, wanting to think for themselves and not having to follow a written script. That:s the beauty of this manhwa in my opinion:) everyone see's everything differently:))
This is one of the worst if not the worst Manhwa I've ever read. It shows a very dark side of the lives of the extras & second leads in comics and while I liked it and found the concept interesting the execution fell flat on its face. The character development is ridiculously slow and at times non existent, the main focus is only on the main pairing and simply sidelines the other extra characters which is so ironic considering this is a comic about how terribly used side characters are by creators. My main issue is the fact that if you simply can't give a story to the other characters; why even feature them so many times? Why make us emotional attached to them only to give them a fucking half baked ending just because it fits your narrative of "oh life is unfair and it's all about the choices you make" bullshit. It started off as really interesting and could've been so amazing if only it focused more on building the relationships of characters instead of discussing the concept of how they were side characters again & again- it got ridiculously repetitive after a point and simply made me annoyed.
I apologise if my view of this Manhwa hurt anybody's sentiments- it's my personal opinion and I just want anyone who wishes to read this Manhwa know exactly what they were getting into and not have their expectations fall flat like mine did.