Chapter 289 still no romance!

Nix December 20, 2020 11:41 am

(Spoilers for those who haven’t seen the anime) I’m kinda low key happy the anime left in a cliffhanger, cuz this is legit taking forever! Please just get together!

    PhoenixFyre December 20, 2020 12:23 pm

    Ren has already told Kyoko that he likes her. At least we got that far, lol

    Fonnie December 20, 2020 2:08 pm
    Ren has already told Kyoko that he likes her. At least we got that far, lol PhoenixFyre

    the manga is quite far so anther season would be great.. i wanna see mio in action and the heel siblings in action... oh and the role as a school bully (forgot the name of that role she did) ... there are so much materials for a second season XD

    13symphony13 December 20, 2020 2:35 pm
    the manga is quite far so anther season would be great.. i wanna see mio in action and the heel siblings in action... oh and the role as a school bully (forgot the name of that role she did) ... there are so mu... Fonnie

    I would love to see her as Natsu! I really hope that they continue the anime at some point. There usually isn't this much time between seasons, but we can always dream, right? I want to see the Cain and Setsu arc animated also...

    Fonnie December 20, 2020 3:24 pm
    I would love to see her as Natsu! I really hope that they continue the anime at some point. There usually isn't this much time between seasons, but we can always dream, right? I want to see the Cain and Setsu a... 13symphony13

    i also wanna see kyoko s the young kuon looool XD ... i wanna see ku as her dad XD ... imagin kyoko speaking english and a playful boy trying to get back at ''his dad'' and hat shocked face of ren seeing kyoko as himself >w<

    PhoenixFyre December 20, 2020 11:51 pm
    I would love to see her as Natsu! I really hope that they continue the anime at some point. There usually isn't this much time between seasons, but we can always dream, right? I want to see the Cain and Setsu a... 13symphony13

    I loved the Heel Sibling Arc. It was my favorite so far. And I did love the arc with Ren's Dad. Kyoko played young Ren perfectly, lol

    Fonnie December 21, 2020 12:09 am
    I loved the Heel Sibling Arc. It was my favorite so far. And I did love the arc with Ren's Dad. Kyoko played young Ren perfectly, lol PhoenixFyre

    yeah same XD .. i have re read those so many times XD ... especially when ren found out kyoko is the girl he met as kuon XD.... i watched that episode soooo many times XD ... i wonder what will happen if sho found out that kyoko really loves ren ><

    PhoenixFyre December 21, 2020 2:21 pm
    yeah same XD .. i have re read those so many times XD ... especially when ren found out kyoko is the girl he met as kuon XD.... i watched that episode soooo many times XD ... i wonder what will happen if sho fo... Fonnie

    I also loved when Kyoko bumped into the Fairy Adult Quorn at the beach that time with his blonde hair. That was soooo cute. By that time Ren and Kyoko knew they were already in love with each other. It just took so long for Ren to finally let Kyoko know that.