i absolutely agree with you. what i don’t like are the female characters that try to ruin their relationship though. for example. the girl in Here U Are, she had a happy ending and she was great. she was just someone that liked Yu Yang, and honestly felt bad since she knew he was gay. It’s sad falling in love with a person who’s gay when you are of their opposite sex. But, most BLs portray the character as someone who wants to break off their relationship or ruin it, or possibly even hurt one of the characters to do so. I, personally, get mad at any person who does that, be it male or female. But it’s usually females so that’s why I usually dislike them in yaois. But you’re right, i agree.

felt that honestly, here u are has some of the most mature characters in BL. I’ll mostly only hate on the girls if they decide to be homophobic asf. Like, there was one regarding two actors dating and this mf lady was angry that she got rejected and outted them to the whole internet. Really got me seething.

I only hate the female characters in BL manga who are bitchy and trying to steal the seme away from the uke but I've read some Yaoi manga where the female character is nice and supports the uke and seme tho, I just hate it when they have a female character in a BL manga who is pretending to like the uke but is just using him to get to the seme ( ̄へ ̄)
I don't mind that the female character has a crush on the seme as long as she doesn't act like a bitch snob and tires to steal the seme away from the uke.
Finally saying this because its been on my mind for a while now, but can we stop hating on the girls in BL manga?
If they show a romantic interest to one of the main characters, there is absolutely no reason to tell the girl to “fuck off” or be called a bitch. She has done nothing wrong except for liking a guy. I mean if she’s an absolute shit character thats very rude and intentionally gets in the way of the main relationship then yeah fuck her.
However a lot of these girls are nice and understand when the main character turns them down, they are usually there to create angst. Some of them are also good characters that are either friends with the mc and they still get hate.
It angers me because I really don’t like that a girl is getting hated on for no reason at all.