Ummm... In my country, the minor would get juvie, and the adult would be considered the victim, it wouldn't be illegal, since it's still between the 5 years window the law abides for adult + teenage relationships. For example, a 21 year old person can legally date a 16 year old teen. 18 and 13, 19 and 14, and so on. It is still rape, however, the probabilities of a jury or a judge to declare it as rape are infinitesimal, mostly due to the prejudice against men actually getting raped, and such prejudice would increase with the perpetuator being a 16 to 17 year old, sweet, rich, pretty and short boy. The adult wouldn't probably even decide to suit the minor. And if he did, he would be laugh material for the whole country. At the end, the suit wouldn't even present itself to the media, the family would pay an offensively small amount as hush money, and the victim would probably accept it... BUT ANYWAY, I'M JUST A LAW NERD WHO IS BASING THIS OFF THE USUAL COURSE OF THESE KIND OF CRIMES, AND THIS IS BARELY A MANGA, WITH A LOT OF YAOI MAGIC PLAYING WITH IT... ( ̄∇ ̄")
Ok yeah the art was good but the fuckin age gap and the fact that he's literally a minor , if the story mentioned that I'd probably would been aight but it didn't at all
So that was fuckin weird