Not trying to offend you but there are people who do see the cover and recognize this as shota, don't read it, but still comment about their hatred for shota right? I personally have a neutral feeling toward Black Butler, but am averse to shota, I feel like those ukes have been robbed of their childhood.

No offense taken. I am neutral to shotcon in fiction. There are times when it makes my skin crawl and other times where I can find it appealing. The most important thing to remember, however, is that this is FICTION. No ukes were robbed of anything. They are figments of the mangaka's imagination and therefore cannot be harmed by any circumstance in which they are placed. That said, I understand the revulsion to the idea of a child being placed in a sexual situation with an adult - in real life. I feel this revulsion too. However, I do not feel the need to announce this every time I read a manga containing shotacon. Shotacon and lolicon are common and popular genres and themes in manga. This is common knowledge. If the genre or theme is unappealing, don't read it. If you don't read it, why comment on something of which you have no knowledge? People who comment negatively without having read the manga are little more than "attention whores" in my opinion. My comment here was simply my way of fulfilling their desire for attention, albeit my negative attention.

I do agree that this manga's fiction and it's silly to apply it to real-life,but so are most of the other manga, movies and every other form of fiction. Take Ten Count for example, even though we know it's fiction, we still say "Poor Shirotani" and stuff like that right? In the same way, Ciel, or any other though fictional shota, is still a minor. I have a question, if you know anyone who likes shota, can you tell me what they find so appealing in it? I'd like to know the reason because I think that by knowing it, I can better myself and broaden my thinking and become more accepting.

It's the writers job to get the readers emotionally involved with their characters. It is the readers job to separate the emotional attachment they feel for fictional characters, from what is happening in reality. No matter how much we say "Poor Shirotani." we must realize that nothing bad really happened to him because he doesn't exist. Most, but not all, mangaka skirt child pornography laws by drawing a character to look childlike, but write the character as an adult. Therefore, the "they are minors" argument fails. Ceil may be a "minor", but he is also the leader of a major part of a fantasy kingdom. Why would his being a minor in our universe apply to his universe? This brings us back to the fiction vs. reality argument.
As for those who enjoy shotacon and lolicon as a fetish... I know people who prefer young but legal partners for sex and erotic play, but I don't know anyone, personally, who enjoys the genre of manga.
The information I can offer was gleaned from Psychology courses I took for pre-med in college, in regards to criminal pedophilia. One reason can be that the person does not mentally view themselves as an adult. In essence, when they see themselves in their own mind, they are still children. Therefore, they bond better with people "of their age". Another reason can be a need for control and/or domination, making children; the elderly and mentally/physically handicapped people "easier targets". A third theory is that the fetish basically starts out as maternal/paternal protection and nurturing that evolves into sexual desire due to emotional immaturity in the adult. Remember, these theories apply to RL pedophiles, not necessarily to those who like shota/loli manga or prefer young but legal partners.
To find fans of this genre, ask in the "questions" section of this site's homepage, if there are fans of this genre. Then, privately, ask their reasons and opinions. I recommend private contact so that you don't accidentally start a "flame war". Good Luck.

It's the artist's expression so it's completely up to them what they do with their art. This particular artist is very accomplished no matter what you think of their story.
People don't really have any right to be offended by someone's art. Protest about your dislikes in some other venue. Leave art out of it. (this is not directed at the op)
Ciel is actually an adult character.
In shota, one aspect of the appeal is that it's very cute. Liking cute things is fun. The ages of the characters are not stated most of the time so to me they are like - I don't know... elves, munchkins, you get the picture. I don't see them as kids cuz they aren't kids. They are someone's artistic expression.
This is a late late response to a 2028 post. so ... sorry. LOL I just think this deserves an answer.
...who actually looks at the cover art for hints of what I'm about to read? There is, what appears to be, a child and an adult on the "cover"...this indicates the distinct possibility of shotacon. If I knew nothing about "Black Butler", I would still recognize this as shotacon. Pay attention. If you choose NOT to pay attention, don't bitch about it later, it's your own fault.
I am not a fan of shotacon, but I am a fan of Black Butler - so this one I can and did enjoy.