To everyone feeling disappointed

Anil December 19, 2020 7:15 pm

To everyone feeling disappointed, it's just my personal opinion, but I think that if we're patient, the truth will come out and Seungho will feel guilty for how he treated Nakyum, and we'll get to see a big character development from his part.
Sooo let's be patient :p

    Nyctechie08 December 19, 2020 7:20 pm

    I sure hope so! Because if this continues, I will have to drop it. If this rape can move things toward serious character dev, it won’t feel like torture porn... I am giving it to Ch 64 (maybe 65 max)

    hwi's h0e December 19, 2020 9:31 pm

    Nah lmao, there's no forgiveness for what Seungho did. The only happy ending I see is Nakyum escaping and finding someone better