None of you have the right to go off on the author! It’s their story and it’s your cho...

Rou December 19, 2020 10:32 am

None of you have the right to go off on the author! It’s their story and it’s your choice to read it! If you don’t like it then fuck off, make your own comic then! All of you, and me, are reading this on an illegal site, we’re the last people who can tell the author to change the storyline. Just fuck off already, you’re annoying as shit and need to be raised properly already.

    Meowster December 19, 2020 10:37 am

    I can’t speak for anyone but myself, and if anyone is personally bullying the author they should be ashamed. However, bringing up valid critiques of the author’s work is not bullying. Bringing up concerns about where this is headed, of constructive criticism about what you don’t like about something is not bullying.

    For example, if someone said ‘hey I don’t like how you’re being loud and distracting when we’re in the library’ that’s not bullying. That’s constructive criticism. That’s different where bullying is unwarranted and comes from almost nowhere.

    Also the author knew fully well that any work she put out there, whether it’d be art, story, or even a tweet or picture, people will critique. It’d be stupid and really naive of her not expect this, and honestly? If she and you are this sensitive to criticism, I wouldn’t want to be around such sensitive snowflakes like ya’ll.

    I really think you need to clarify and restructure what your definition of bullying is, because otherwise, in the real world, you’re never going to learn and grow as a person if you blame everyone who doesn’t hold a positive opinion of you as ‘bullying’. How are you going to grow if you don’t learn from your mistakes? You’d be a shitty human being.

    Sus Guy December 19, 2020 10:38 am

    Look here kid. I'm a paying reader and I discuss things here because Lezhin don't have comment or any sort of that. As for "iT$ AuThor's STory, so peEopLe don't have righT to critiCize her" LOL THAT'S SO FUNNY. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 5?

    Rou December 19, 2020 10:44 am

    Yes they can criticise but what people are doing in these comments is just childish as fuck. I’m sorry i said it like that, I got pissed off by these people. No, I’m not a kid.

    Sakata Ginko December 19, 2020 10:50 am
    Look here kid. I'm a paying reader and I discuss things here because Lezhin don't have comment or any sort of that. As for "iT$ AuThor's STory, so peEopLe don't have righT to critiCize her" LOL THAT'S SO FUNNY.... Sus Guy

    LMAO! This comment section will be the death of me today. It's already 12p.m where I live and I haven't done shit because I'm laughing. You made my day!

    Rou December 19, 2020 10:52 am
    LMAO! This comment section will be the death of me today. It's already 12p.m where I live and I haven't done shit because I'm laughing. You made my day! Sakata Ginko

    Well tell me something, I just woke up and it’s 12 here, I’m useless.( ̄∇ ̄")

    misanthrpic December 19, 2020 10:53 am

    This is a published piece of work, open to critique and opinion. Every creator of a product - whether this is an author, artist, or anyone else - understands this. People are free to hate POTN, and to express their opinion. They may also criticise the author.

    Yes, the author worked hard - and yes, this site is not legal, but this does not make anyone obliged to like her work.

    It is not surprising that people dislike this either, because this whole manhwa is basically Nakyum - who is completely innocent - getting abused.

    With all this said people should not be personally attacking the author beyond valid criticism e.g. bullying and harassment.

    Sus Guy December 19, 2020 10:56 am
    LMAO! This comment section will be the death of me today. It's already 12p.m where I live and I haven't done shit because I'm laughing. You made my day! Sakata Ginko

    Thank this commentator for making a clown of herself/himself.

    Meowster December 19, 2020 10:58 am
    This is a published piece of work, open to critique and opinion. Every creator of a product - whether this is an author, artist, or anyone else - understands this. People are free to hate POTN, and to express t... misanthrpic

    Well spoken! I wish more people would understand that instead of going ‘You’re attacking the author and bullying her’. She’s an author. She had to know it was coming.

    If you put out a piece of work for public consumption, it’s going to be critiqued, and it’s out of your control. What you can control is how you respond to criticism, whether you choose to learn from it, or, as this author is doing, lash out at the critiquers.

    misanthrpic December 19, 2020 12:06 pm
    Well spoken! I wish more people would understand that instead of going ‘You’re attacking the author and bullying her’. She’s an author. She had to know it was coming. If you put out a piece of work for ... Meowster

    Exactly. Dealing with criticism is part and parcel of being a creator. By the way, I haven’t been following the author, so could you tell me how she’s been lashing out in response to people’s comments?