Im usually not very confrontational but..

lemoncakes December 19, 2020 9:47 am

Im not someone who likes confrontation at all, ive always thought the best way to get my points and arguments across is to talk about them calmly and explain why. But im tired of the entitled behaviour of some of you people.

Stop fucking defending rape and pedophilia. I dont want to hear the bullshit excuses of "well i bet you read this or i bet you read that" or "Well if u dont like it why are you here", "just stop reading ffs" because bro shut up. I know exactly what i read and its manga that doesnt condone or defend any of the shit that you do. Youre saying that i should have to leave because you want to sexualise minors and condone the raping of children or adults or anyone? You want to keep defending that shit, which is a CRIME and considered CHILD PORNOGRAPHY!! and somehow im the one who needs to grow up and leave and stop getting so angry about it? What a fucking joke. Get your priorities straight.

Im sick of having to play nice with people just because i dont want to get screamed at for being a decent fucking human being.
I hate getting worked up about this because i know the people who defend it will use it to there advantage, im aware that im making myself vulnerable to those stupid comments but i do not care anymore. You want to cuss me out and scream because im telling you to stop defending the sexualisation of minors because "theyre aged up" and yet i have to be the one whos considerate? No. Im a human being and i get pissed off just as much as you do.

You want to whine about how people keep bringing it up and how it annoys you? Then stop condoning it. I dont think you even realise what youre defending by saying that.

But fuck it you know, people will read this and itll go in one ear and out of the other because some of you just dont want to listen. Its fine but dont expect people like me to ever stop being pissed off about the things that go on on this site because itll never happen and way too much sickening behaviour is normalised here.

Im sorry for pouring out all of this negativity but ive talked to many ignorant people during my time here and ive always been respectful of them, its just a shame they cant do the same back.
Nevertheless i hope you guys have a good day and stay safe out there.

    applepi December 19, 2020 9:53 am

    as expected from a kayden pfp user

    kkiremizu December 19, 2020 9:54 am


    Pastel December 19, 2020 9:57 am

    totally agree but im kind of on the edge about the "aged up" thing. Like if there was a loli/shota or something thats 1000 years old yeah thats not ok its a childs body but if the person is literally aged up & looks like an adult then its fine in my opinion? i am interested in your side though so if you have a counterargument i'll listen. December 19, 2020 10:01 am

    I feel safer knowing there are people like you out there.

    Noobal December 19, 2020 10:01 am

    Thank you so much for talking about this issue. There are many people who read comics and say that “its alright because the person who is doing it loves them.” Which is not okay at all because its still non consensual sex. Honestly i hate reading or even coming across those pedophilia, incest, rape stories. It’s also a sad fact that these genres are quite popular.

    Taku December 19, 2020 10:21 am

    FACTSSS!!! Finally someone said it

    t8nt3d December 19, 2020 10:29 am
    Thank you so much for talking about this issue. There are many people who read comics and say that “its alright because the person who is doing it loves them.” Which is not okay at all because its still non... Noobal

    lol, I have read the even worse version, "it's not rape because the character liked it," so many times here that I've lost faith in humanity. I've even read someone say one character being under the influence (drugs/alcohol) is dubcon. No, dear, that's still rape/noncon.

    bah-hah ❤ December 19, 2020 10:31 am

    I get real creeped out with these incest fetishes as well.

    hot girl December 19, 2020 10:40 am

    yes period omg i stan

    Dysfunctional December 19, 2020 10:42 am

    I totally agree with you. People tend to think that just because it’s fiction it isn’t hurting anyone or affecting them but whether they admit it or not, it is affecting their perception to some extent with regard to offences like rape and paedophilia. We can’t normalise this shit but then again ranting about it here is pointless cuz it’s not really affecting the artists and creators who continue to make such content including those who enjoy it. Since this content is mostly made by Japanese artists, let’s just hope that the government there bans paedophilic and rape content instead of enforcing unnecessary censor laws on pornographic content featuring ACTUAL adults doing stuff consensually.

    Pastel December 19, 2020 10:44 am
    I get real creeped out with these incest fetishes as well. bah-hah ❤

    tbh incest isnt even bad lol just saying
    (as long as pedophilia isnt part of it)

    bah-hah ❤ December 19, 2020 10:51 am
    tbh incest isnt even bad lol just saying(as long as pedophilia isnt part of it) Pastel

    oh actually the ones i read are where they aren't blood-related. but if they really are then hell no :) not my cup of tea

    Pastel December 19, 2020 10:57 am
    oh actually the ones i read are where they aren't blood-related. but if they really are then hell no :) not my cup of tea bah-hah ❤

    fair enough but morally theres legitimately nothing wrong with it as long as u dont give birth or anything

    bah-hah ❤ December 19, 2020 11:05 am
    fair enough but morally theres legitimately nothing wrong with it as long as u dont give birth or anything Pastel

    that's a point. i don't really want to give my opinion on it because i might be too aggressive since i was brought up to be very family-oriented. but if i were to say the reason for my dislike it'd be because of sibling bonds. like if they were raised together and slowly formed an emotional bond, then it'd make the situation so random if they just suddenly had feelings for each other. or i wonder what the people around them would think about the relationship. but i try to stray away from plots that make their relationship complicated.

    bah-hah ❤ December 19, 2020 11:10 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Stardust

    not necessarily. incest can be among steprelatives and stuff. basically affinity applies to it like adoption or marriage

    Pastel December 19, 2020 11:13 am
    that's a point. i don't really want to give my opinion on it because i might be too aggressive since i was brought up to be very family-oriented. but if i were to say the reason for my dislike it'd be because o... bah-hah ❤

    yea i understand that, im not gonna judge u for not liking your sibling or anything but a contradictory point is that its kinda the same with childhood friends. I have a few friends I've known since birth/early elementary, some of them neighbors/close in location and I dated one of them in the past- wasn't particularly gross to me. But I do also feel turned off when I think about dating one of my siblings. I wonder why that is. Maybe something genetically? Unsure, but I do feel a little sad with the amount of hate towards people performing incest.

    沈诗恩 December 19, 2020 11:21 am

    I agree, r*pe or p*dophillia shouldn't be normalised, however it's only valid when it's clearly not to arouse people, but to show how disgusting it is instead. For example, psychological horror works.

    Kira-san December 19, 2020 11:30 am

    Your point of view is really true many kids this days are soooo....ugh but educating them is what we mature peps need to do cuz we've seen and experience things that made us wise that's why I hope you dont anger yourself anymore nd say Fuck you idiot for fucking being gross is what my mind said but I'm too lazy to cuss peps

    bah-hah ❤ December 19, 2020 11:30 am
    yea i understand that, im not gonna judge u for not liking your sibling or anything but a contradictory point is that its kinda the same with childhood friends. I have a few friends I've known since birth/early... Pastel

    i wonder as well. it's not like inbreeding was never a thing but then again that did lead to alot of genetic disorders as youve mentioned. not only that, family relationships would collapse especially if they're emotionally close. it's both a health hazard and a social taboo. i dont encourage it nor do i negate it but im not very comfortable with it either. i guess thats just cause im imagining myself in the same shoes.

    lemoncakes December 19, 2020 3:52 pm
    yea i understand that, im not gonna judge u for not liking your sibling or anything but a contradictory point is that its kinda the same with childhood friends. I have a few friends I've known since birth/early... Pastel

    In regards to the incest thing. I personally am not comfortable with it because i just get very disgusted by even thinking about being in a relationship with a family member. In a lot of cultures, Japan for example, incest in their history where fathers would marry their daughters and mothers would marry their sons has caused the genetics in Japan to be completely and utterly ruined because of all the inbreeding that took place in that time.
    Theres a hell of a lot of genetical risks with incest in regards to higher risks of genetic mutations and certain illnesses.

    But thats not really my point, just an example of the biological aspects of mass inbreeding/ incest in the past

    There are things that we as humans generally find disgusting. Like having to put spiders in your clothes or eating bugs, those are things that are seen as disgusting by many but not considered to be morally wrong like incest is and this is because we as humans become sexually disinterested in people we have spent the majority of our early life with. People find it morally unacceptable mainly because of this reason and thats so widespread amongst humans that it may have become a core moral to never, ever engage in it. But of course there are so many examples of incest, so theres exceptions with people who dont believe its morally wrong. Maybe this has something to do with how they were raised?

    Its the reason why for most people thinking about doing that with your brothers/sisters or close relatives is utterly unthinkable. However, with the childhood friends thing, theres really no explanation for why we dont find that just as disgusting as incestuous behaviours with close kin.
    You might be right with the genetic thing? Maybe it plays a part somehow but im unsure myself?