Lol, nice to see someone else who isn’t obsessed with just the sex scenes. I swear, some readers are like ‘they’re just two naked bodies’ and don’t care about plot progression or character growth or good conclusions/endings to stories. This plot is frustrating as hell because there almost isn’t any plot, because 70-90% of the chapters are devoted to sex scenes

Omg this im like so is he going to spend his life like this ! People get mad at Seungho but Nakyum makes me really like bruh why do you keep letting people walk all over you. I can't like I said I love all the characters in this story but I can't with the timidly way he acts. Maybe it stems from my reality I do not know how to handle extra weak and timid people and it makes me mad ! Like stand up for yourself.
To everyone defending Nakyum’s silence: I get it plot-wise, but it’s frustrating as fuck. Let me put it this way, from a meta-POV:
A) the story is not going anywhere. It’s basically 1) Nakyum gets degraded/hurt in some way 2) Nakyum gets sexed by Seungho 3) some relationship progress happens before it’s all quickly wiped away 4) repeat step 1. The plot is repetitious, with slight changes in detail in each ‘arc’. You have to understand why readers are so upset when they see some form of progress between Nakyum and Seungho, only for it to be yet again wiped away or delayed. It’s been 63 chapters of very slow and very cyclical plot progression.
B) Nakyum is static as a character. All he does is suffer. He doesn’t learn from his trauma, doesn’t grow as a character (much less grow a backbone), he’s forever the weak beauty that’s naive. And it’s getting frustrating. It’s been 63 chapters, it’s time he stop just taking shit and start thinking