Tbf. He doesn't "have" Yoshina. She doesn't consider herself his gf and fiancee thing is just a formality arranged by the grandparents.
Yoshina is just too proud to break off the engagement and go back to Osaka.
Despite knowing her fiancee is a lunatic and a very dangerous one.
She doesn't really care if he has these "side bitches" because to her they are not together and she has no romantic feelings for him at this point.
Tbh I think she prefers him going to those women than trying the moves wit her.
Besides, these women are part a "strategic gameplay" to him.
Miyama even mentions to his "ex girlfriend" his main objective when seeking women for sex is to determine how "useful" they would be to him in the future.
For information, networking and to use as honey traps etc .
Romance or "feelings" plays little to no part and lol the look on that dumb hoe's face is priceless because her bad taste in men that leads her to gravitating towards
scumbags like Miyama catches up with her. She honestly thought she was "special" to him. The other women atleast are wiser.

And I completley get that but I still think that even if they are just pawns to him its not okay. Im just worried that the author is going to make Yoshino fall for him and end up shes going to force herself to be okay with him having sex with others just because its 'what yakuza men do'. Again there isnt anything wrong with have sex with others as long as your partner is fine with it whole heartedly and not begrudgingly because otherwise you dump them, ya know.
Id much rather prefer either the two never fall in love further than accomplices in a arranged agreement or he takes into consideration her feelings about other women and asks if shes okay with it if the author is going the 'love' route.

"And I completley get that but I still think that even if they are just pawns to him its not okay."
Those women aren't victims. They (should) know what they are getting themselves into.
Considering the type of guy Kirishima IS and that being the reason these women are drawn to him. It's more or less Karma for them if they have any romantic delusions about their liaisons with him. Most of them don't and some even boyfriends of their own. The only deluded one who thought otherwise, that Kirishima geniunely pined for her was Nao.
"Shes going to force herself to be okay with him having sex with others just because its 'what yakuza men do"
I doubt that, since Yoshino herself said if a guy she liked was seeing other women "she'd kill him". She wouldn't be accepting to a cheating partner. This is what shocks Kirishima that she doesn't care about his flings because it reveals that she doesn't care about him.
Whether, or not she ends up with Kirishima at this point. I'm not sure.
I personally prefer Shouma, but given Kirishima's personality I don't he is going to ever let her live in a peace being in a relationship/married to someone else.
That's why Tsubaki says if Yoshino wants to run away they will need to give Tsubaki plastic surgery
Love yoshino, honestly the ml doesnt deserve her, my queen. As much as I understand why he sleeps around since it is a common trope in yakuza manga and media, it isnt a good one. In the same way soldiers arent praised for killing civilians although some do, a person (yakuza or not) shouldnt sleep with others yakuza or not (unless their partner is okay with it) just because it is 'common'. Its also super shitty because I'm sure if she slept with someone else then he would be pissed. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Ive read so many manga where the wives of these yakuza men just sigh and say thats how it is, which in no way shows the women being okay with it but rather coping because other wise they wont have their partners. Honestly so toxic. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
And though i get the fact that 'if you arent going to reciprocate their feelings you shouldn't expect them to remain celibate' but they are in a relationship e.g fiances or whatever so that requires some level of commitment especially as it seemed at the start of their relationship he was already sleeping with others even before she called him scum, so no. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭