bruh the seme-

sotuhji December 18, 2020 4:44 pm

i understand they weren’t together and technically it’s not cheating but if you’re out here desperately trying to convince someone that u like them and wanna be with them to go and fuck someone else to make them jealous is not it- like that’s so childish and not at all proving your point to the other person. and if he can just go and do that so easily just because the uke asked him to- would automatically make someone not trust him anymore. and for what to make them jealous??? i’d have been more upset than jealous at the fact that this dude went out and fucked someone while trying to pursue me to make me jealous but maybe that’s just me.

EDIT - i think i worded this wrongly cause y’all are missing the point- it’s about being able to have trust and faith in the person ur going out with cause they’re whole relationship started after he went and slept with someone else (based on the uke remarks) and didn’t tell him about it from the beginning and that automatically builds a relationship on a misunderstanding and distrust.

    sotuhji December 18, 2020 7:37 pm
    Just stop projecting Bald Sangwoo

    i’ve stated my opinion, you've stated yours. let’s just agree to disagree and move on (:

    sotuhji December 18, 2020 7:39 pm
    I completely agree with you. Sure, technically it wasn't cheating because they weren't together that the time and uke told seme do see other people. But then love is much more emotional than rational and techni... rosita_2198

    yes that’s exactly my point! it totally makes me question his character and it wouldn’t feel too great being in the ukes position either.

    Bald Sangwoo December 18, 2020 8:04 pm
    i didn’t realize inexperience equated to having no sense of morals when it involves being with another person. sotuhji

    It is not immoral to sleep with someone else even if you like someone already. The uke rejected him so he tried with someone new and it didn't work out for him because he realized he didn't the uke but he was actually inlove with him. Inexperience can make you do things out of ignorance and you grow from those mistakes. He realized his mistake and he didn't do it again. They were not in a relationship and the uke and seme could have done whatever they wanted a this point in time. The uke realized that hr had no rights to be jealous and the seme realized what he did wasn't the right choice at this point in time. They talked it out and got over it. Stop projecting your insecurities