I agree with you for the most part but the uke did tell the seme to fuck someone else and he was not interested in the seme at all. I also wouldn't like it the person going after me had sex with someone else to make me jealous, but sometimes, things that are not technically wrong may still make us upset or angry.

so the seme was trying to get the uke to go out with him but because the uke is scared and doesn’t wanna go out with a student of a university he works for he said no and to go fuck someone else which the seme took quite literally to try and make the uke jealous. lol my brain hurt trying to process this plot

i understand the frustration from both sides and i can understand they’re not good at communicating with each other. but idk id feel quite iffy if someone who was trying to tell me they loved me and tried to convince me to go out with them then later fucked someone else just because i told them to in a heated conversation. it’s like first of all, you should be telling me that you’re not interested in anyone but me at this time and that you’ll wait for me to give in but nah this dude said “hmm...if i do it will it make him jealous??” like what?? what’s his thought process here?? that was completely wrong of him to do so.

okay then if u did see other people then do u think it’ll be right for u to come back to the person asking them to take u back?? because more or less that’s what he did and he did it without even telling the guy that he slept with someone. so i’m just trying to understand how people would react in this situation.

I completely agree with you. Sure, technically it wasn't cheating because they weren't together that the time and uke told seme do see other people. But then love is much more emotional than rational and technicality, you all can justify seme's actions with milliion reasons in your head, but in the end if you were uke, can you really said that your heart don't feel a thing?
Beside, it'd have been ok if seme sleep with other people after some time, when he got over uke. In this situtation, he just went immediately to someone else after being told to. What does that say about his character? about his "great love" for uke?
It's exactly like when Ross said "I thought our relationship was death" and Rachel replied "Well, you sure had a hell of a time at the wake" :)
i understand they weren’t together and technically it’s not cheating but if you’re out here desperately trying to convince someone that u like them and wanna be with them to go and fuck someone else to make them jealous is not it- like that’s so childish and not at all proving your point to the other person. and if he can just go and do that so easily just because the uke asked him to- would automatically make someone not trust him anymore. and for what to make them jealous??? i’d have been more upset than jealous at the fact that this dude went out and fucked someone while trying to pursue me to make me jealous but maybe that’s just me.
EDIT - i think i worded this wrongly cause y’all are missing the point- it’s about being able to have trust and faith in the person ur going out with cause they’re whole relationship started after he went and slept with someone else (based on the uke remarks) and didn’t tell him about it from the beginning and that automatically builds a relationship on a misunderstanding and distrust.