
Terry December 18, 2020 1:51 pm

Tbh I didn't like the chapter in the slightest.... Making NK realize his feelings (???) for the Lord while he is being raped?
Rather distasteful.

    Natsumi_ December 18, 2020 1:57 pm

    Now expect the fans saying he wanted it, like they did with Bum back in the day, at least Koogi never used a cliffhanger for a fucking rape scene. This manhwa is badly written and overrated af

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 2:06 pm
    Now expect the fans saying he wanted it, like they did with Bum back in the day, at least Koogi never used a cliffhanger for a fucking rape scene. This manhwa is badly written and overrated af Natsumi_

    actually I think this manhwa is well written. You can see Sh as someone who has trust issues but once he finds someone he ends up believing they're wrong due to his past in which he is probably paranoid about. Nakyum is portrayed as someone who needs care and trust but is unable to gain. They're both in this situation and ofc the person doesn't need to be a "hero" or a "good person" to be a well written character

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 2:09 pm
    actually I think this manhwa is well written. You can see Sh as someone who has trust issues but once he finds someone he ends up believing they're wrong due to his past in which he is probably paranoid about. ... JanitorEd

    I'm also not condoning Sh actions but I believe half of us reading this don't care about their relationship and dont want them to end up together rather seeing how both of them take on these issues they have. It is ofc annoying to see how Sh is going back to his actions but it can be seen that Sh is a character that has severe issues that maybe in the end cannot be fixed like always or maybe can?<--Ig that's what makes the readers keep reading

    buzzjiaer December 18, 2020 2:14 pm

    Right?! I was trying to piece together how I felt after reading that chapter and you hit the nail on the head w/ Nakyum realising his feelings whilst getting raped like I couldn’t bare the thought of something as traumatic

    Natsumi_ December 18, 2020 2:16 pm
    I'm also not condoning Sh actions but I believe half of us reading this don't care about their relationship and dont want them to end up together rather seeing how both of them take on these issues they have. I... JanitorEd

    This kind of issues can't ever be fixed, since it's clear they will end up together, this story is utter shit. Also Seungho's character is basically a bad copy of Sangwoo, but at least he was a more interesting character and he never got a redemption

    Terry December 18, 2020 2:26 pm
    This kind of issues can't ever be fixed, since it's clear they will end up together, this story is utter shit. Also Seungho's character is basically a bad copy of Sangwoo, but at least he was a more interesting... Natsumi_

    I'm rolling my eyes so hard when I see comments how Seunhho will change and has his redemption arc.
    Since when love cures severe trauma and such a problematic behaviour Seungho represents?
    And their class difference will also magically dissapear because of love?

    Seunhho asking NK why he has never smiled is a peak of ridiculousness. Especially if you think how he asked him about that during rape scene.

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 4:21 pm
    This kind of issues can't ever be fixed, since it's clear they will end up together, this story is utter shit. Also Seungho's character is basically a bad copy of Sangwoo, but at least he was a more interesting... Natsumi_

    I'm not sure if they're gonna end up together tho because in the Q&A w the author, she states how "they're gonna be happy in their own ways" which could mean a lot of things and not simply them being together. Nakyum doesn't have to be together w Sh to change him but can make Sh have realizations but we're not SURE if he is gonna change. Also @Terry, love actually can change it but idk if this is the case considering they're both not mentally stable

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 4:26 pm
    I'm not sure if they're gonna end up together tho because in the Q&A w the author, she states how "they're gonna be happy in their own ways" which could mean a lot of things and not simply them being togeth... JanitorEd

    m also we have still yet to see suenho's full backstory so how can u say Sangwoo was a better written character if we have yet to see the cause of Suenho problems..?

    Terry December 18, 2020 5:15 pm
    I'm not sure if they're gonna end up together tho because in the Q&A w the author, she states how "they're gonna be happy in their own ways" which could mean a lot of things and not simply them being togeth... JanitorEd

    Love doesn't CURE such severe trauma and pathological behaviour author portrays.
    Love is not the cure at all. Love can HELP you in the process of changing yourself, nothing less, nothing more.

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 5:26 pm
    Love doesn't CURE such severe trauma and pathological behaviour author portrays. Love is not the cure at all. Love can HELP you in the process of changing yourself, nothing less, nothing more. Terry

    yeah I agree w u on that ^