You maybe wanna drop it. Since the Spanish sub didn’t allow their work to be translate in other languages and post it outside their website. It’s illegal in both ways but they buy the raws from the official platform to translate, uncensored, prof reading, cutting and cleaning. It’s a lot to work if you wanna upload more chapters in English then do the same, buy your chapter, translate, cut, design, uncensored, quality and clean the chapter.
This is not a project I’m working with, I work in other and we did it allow to be uploaded in mangago or mangadex, we have our Facebook page and our blog for all of you to come and read, we do all this job for free, we put our money and time to work and is very disrespectful and sad that you just grab the work other people do without asking, as fast as I know with the sub that has this project active, none has grant permission to translate and upload it here.
This may sound hypocritical since we do the same with the original work, but think that you are taking free what we actually bought, you don’t put money in any chapter, we do. You take all the chapter done, only doing a quick google translate since Spanish is easier than Chinese or Korean.
Please if you are going to upload the next chapters, do it with your own raws. We don’t wanna see Tamalitos work here. You are more than welcome to come by and read at the page but not take the work we all put so much energy and time for all of you to enjoy passing by as your.
Have a nice day.
Im going to pick this up so I’ll upload pretty soon lol
Hang in there y’all! Kind of difficult translating Spanish lol. If you have any questions fell free to ask! ;)