Oh god

Tora-san December 18, 2020 3:56 am

Look I understand everyone’s feathers are ruffled because of the horrid lack of morality here but it’s fantasy and because it’s fantasy, GOD I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS

    Tai December 21, 2020 2:38 am

    yeah i love its gleeful immorality tbh because it keeps things spicy and exciting and no one is Actually being hurt. like in shows with real live actors a story like this WOULD make me more uncomfortable even tho no one is actually being beaten or raped. its alot harder to watch and also real people had to act out that messed up stuff. but since its p much a Cartoon...if ever there was a good avenue to explore some fucked up scenarios i daresay comics and novels are the way to do it. totally safe. the only thing this story rly needs is trigger warnings and the occasional disclaimer (which the eng releases usually have but the original korean doesnt. who knows why).