I thought about it andI might be wrong but

Sugamama December 18, 2020 3:40 am

I think gay couples are looked at too weirdly. I mean irl not in mangas. Im pansexual. I had a gf when I was twelve (4 years ago) and my friends or the whole grade didnt seem bothered. They congradulated us and wanted to see us kiss. It was like a big ceremony. But when its two boys people look at them weirdly. Am I wrong? Because its like that for me, i see it that way. And ive never really seem to see any gay couples. :( Ik gay couples have hard times trying to get accepted. But it seems like girlxgirl couples dont? I really want to know if im wrong? Its my opinion but I really want to know.

    t8nt3d December 18, 2020 3:46 am

    Two words: toxic masculinity.

    Pandix December 18, 2020 3:51 am

    They both have it hard mlm and wlw it’s only difference is that straight men fetishize lesbians all the time but hate gay guys a lot and same goes for women but people who are in love w same sex are normal they’re not weird, strange or anything out of the ordinary, Christians often believe that being gay is a sin and it’s not I’m Christian and I know that it’s not it was just a mistranslation and if you think otherwise then idk what to think about you

    bloom December 18, 2020 3:57 am

    I'm glad you didnt have to go through something horrible when you had a gf but most of time, people around us are not really accepting of same sex relationships. Be it two females or two males, its frowned upon

    bah-hah ❤ December 18, 2020 4:19 am

    double fucking standards