Anne of Green Gables?!

Wilkas-wildam December 18, 2020 1:10 am

So i just finished chapter one and all i could think about after they introduced themselves is... is this a gay fanfiction rewrite of Anne of green gables?! I'm not complaining if it is, to be frank, but why didn't anyone tell me such a thing existed before?!

    army_moa December 18, 2020 2:08 am

    I've read this in Mangat*on.. that is where I first saw this and I am gladd.. I love this.. but I don't have enough coins so I looked for it here... at first nothing comes up.. then I looked for it over and over again.. and finally someone picked this up and started updating it.. but they stopped.. just as I was thinking about this story some kind hearted being picked it up and updated ittt

    Blue Moon December 18, 2020 5:26 am

    Yeah i'm pretty sure it is