yeah thats pretty obvious from the cover and title. im surprised anyone would be exciting otherwise. (that's not directed at you btw, but others wondering about the story...i'd say what it looks like is exactly what u get. that said if it was me i woulda had the duke get some kind of reckoning and suffer a bit too before keeping his "toy" but eh im not the writer.)

He doesn't love him and the Duke knows that but he doesn't care. I pity him I swear. I remember asking him why are you doing this to me. The Duke said I love you and I am the Duke so that means he has to accept the ill treatment forever..... And his offence was that he killed some noble guy that tried to rape him.

Ehh~ the story sure sounds really the same as Hua Hua you long fufu ...even there the Lu Chang (uke) tries to escape from the seme but still gets found out by him but here the uke really fell in love with him but he was really hurt when he came to know that he was jzt a substitute for the seme's love interest but still the ending was happy tho in this cuz the seme will have a character development n all......
Even this one sounds sad n good (=・ω・=)
Idk y but I got a feeling tht this seme mi8 look good n all with tht smile of his but I bet tht he will turn out to be like the seme from Hua Hua You Long( ̄∇ ̄")