all 3 of them are at fault

ADENK December 17, 2020 1:42 pm

Why is everyone so mad that people are blaming the roommates??? They ARE at fault, all 3 of them were drunk, they encouraged it and he accepted. All 3 of them are at fault, they don't get a free pass cus they're a cute couple and the one who did the fcking was the married man

Like yes agreed, he's a piece of shit for cheating on his wife but it would've probably never happened if those 2 didn't suggest it, they didn't even JUST suggest it they PUSHED him onto Hiroto and closed the door on them. They're also at fault, y'all need to stop being immature and acting like what they said carried no guilt in the whole matter

    Irene October 31, 2023 4:44 pm

    Preach gorl, YOU TELL EM!!