It just keeps coming

Silver_Moon789 December 17, 2020 6:41 am

Every chapter is another emotional whirlwind geez. The empress is looking to be a little more neutral rather than evil like I originally thought she was huh, and hell I really wanna know why Shuli looks so similar to the previous empress(?)???? The church is still as awful as it always was though so no change there.

ALSO CAN I JUST SAY GO NORA'S MOM, SPEAKING OUT AND ALL. I know some people might be upset she didn't do it sooner or realize in the first place that it was wrong but like I still admire that once she did realize that what she was doing was hurting her son, she is trying to change and is trying to convince her husband to change his ways as well. Espcially for someone who seems quite weak both physically and personality wise.

And also, does Jeremy have romantic feelings for Shuli or is it just platonic because I'm sorry but I can't ship them even if they're not blood related or anything it just seems weird idk how to explain. Every chapter makes me shift from Jeremy having romantic feelings to just plantonic feelings and bro my heart can't handle it if he does because I really like him just not as a love interest. The Prince can kind of go and die imo bc he's sus as hell and kind of a trash person. Nora is currently in the lead ngl unless he does something weird out of the blue which no lie, is completely possible in my eyes because the story just keeps me rolling with how many things are happening lol

    Nomun December 19, 2020 6:45 pm

    Yeah i agree with you.
    I really hope that Jeremy and Shuli's relationship is stepmother and son relationship not romantic. I don't ship them romantically, I really want Shuli to see Jeremy's wedding as his mother and be happy.
    But I don't know... The cover's kind of suggesting that it might be love triangle between Jeremy x Shuli x Nora. I really don't want that to happen. I like this manhwa very much, and if there are anyone who knows the ending or what happens in future chapter please spoil me ┗( T﹏T )┛I need to prepare my heart for it.

    Silver_Moon789 December 21, 2020 9:54 pm
    Yeah i agree with you. I really hope that Jeremy and Shuli's relationship is stepmother and son relationship not romantic. I don't ship them romantically, I really want Shuli to see Jeremy's wedding as his moth... Nomun

    Yeah, I keep seeing that Jeremy's catching feelings and I keep being like nuoo please don't. I haven't been able to find a novel for this though so I'm not sure if there are spoilers for those and as far as I'm aware the translators aren't too far away from the current chapters oof.