ok so...

lily1039 December 17, 2020 2:02 am

i actually didn't like the fact that they are going to ruin her ENTIRE family. and the fact that Alphonse looked proud of himself. he lost 20 points from the 100 points he has earned during the series for me

    LatteGratte December 17, 2020 2:40 am

    You seem to not know how nobility works.

    Anne December 17, 2020 2:42 am

    i mean it’s not like he’s sentencing them to death or taking their money, just taking away their noble status. they’ll definitely struggle but it’s not like they didn’t introduce alphonse as a cruel character

    peepee December 17, 2020 2:55 am

    it kinda make sense cuz she insulted a duke which is a very high position, she could've been beheaded i guess thats fair.

    itsxoi December 17, 2020 2:57 am

    That was actually quite fair. You know, during those times, nobility could have done worse than that.

    Saya December 17, 2020 3:06 am
    it kinda make sense cuz she insulted a duke which is a very high position, she could've been beheaded i guess thats fair. peepee

    Yes a duke's family are a part of the royal family(a branch family), like the son of one of the king' brother, or the cousin of the king ..

    lily1039 December 17, 2020 3:10 am
    You seem to not know how nobility works. LatteGratte

    i know how nobility works but my morals go against this.

    Blueboy December 17, 2020 3:21 am
    i know how nobility works but my morals go against this. lily1039

    Chuck ur morals because if we go in this timeline it doesn't have much of that. Alphonse has the power to behead their family with reason or without. So this really is a very very light punishment. The acts of the children reflects on the parents (not for everyone of course but this is how it worked before)

    peepee December 17, 2020 3:27 am
    i know how nobility works but my morals go against this. lily1039

    true tho, my man alponso couldve send her to therapy

    Saya December 17, 2020 3:35 am

    If it was this time line she would get beating bloody, and that remark of being vulgar in bed, I would have said .. your just jealous that you can't f*ck him like I can and yes I do real vulgar things to him in bed , things that your little brain can't comprehend, that's why he will never look at you cause I'm a freak in the sheets and I let him do whatever..

    Tachi-san December 17, 2020 3:40 am

    Honestly, I feel like it was proportional to the damage intended. It wasn’t just any person she targeted, it was the freaking Duchess who married into the royal lineage. Disrespecting her, trying to ruin her would equate trying to ruin the royal family. Being a noblewoman she knows that her actions reflect on her family. Which is why in other novels or manga you’ll see that when a child or parent goes astray the whole family tends to be punished for it. I’ll admit that it would’ve been nice to see him be a bit more merciful, but the intentions of Ariana can’t be dismissed. It seems unfair that her family should be punished, yes, but it’s just how things are in manga nobility

    itsxoi December 17, 2020 7:26 am
    Honestly, I feel like it was proportional to the damage intended. It wasn’t just any person she targeted, it was the freaking Duchess who married into the royal lineage. Disrespecting her, trying to ruin her ... Tachi-san

    Hear, hear!

    Quincefam December 17, 2020 10:41 am

    I've read so many otome isekai manga where noble families were punished for one person's actions. Usually those families turned out to be corrupt in some way, it helps to justify our MCs' decisions. I've seen worse so it doesn't bother me too much here. Alphonse's face does look a lil bit sadistic though.

    Catzeyez December 17, 2020 11:35 am
    true tho, my man alponso couldve send her to therapy peepee

    They didn't have therapy back then. Even if they did, it would be considered quack medicine back then.

    Saya December 18, 2020 12:51 am
    Honestly, I feel like it was proportional to the damage intended. It wasn’t just any person she targeted, it was the freaking Duchess who married into the royal lineage. Disrespecting her, trying to ruin her ... Tachi-san

    He was merciful the first time when he told her not to offend his wife again, but there she went and did it again..

    Tachi-san December 21, 2020 6:45 am
    He was merciful the first time when he told her not to offend his wife again, but there she went and did it again.. Saya

    Oof true!