what exactly do you want spoiled?

for example, I can tell you about Rashtas end, stupidshoes breakdown, even about Naviers cute life with Heinly. what you looking for my friend?

Soveshu plans to divorce navier to make rashta empress so that her child will be crown the next heir. and plans to diverce rashta after a year and remarry navier so she can be empress again. He knows rashta would be a bad empress so he only want her in that position until her child in born. He wants an heir and believes navier is infertile since they havent had a child yet (boy is he wrong). Navier overhears his plan and refuses to be used like that, hence her marriage to Heinly, a guy go loves her and isn't using her like an object. Rashta also knows the plan and agrees but plans to get pregnant again instantly after giving birth to her child so she can remain empress. They divorce and soveshu is angry Navier is getting remarried to someone else since he still sees her as his, despite the fact the soveshu is getting marries to someone else himself (hypocrite). Since Navier isn't married yet, he still has control over her as one of his citizens so he has her locked away in her palace, unable to leave. He cant do anything to heinly since he is a royal from another kingdom. Navier escapes with the help of heinly and duke elgy and runs away to marry Heinly. Soveshu is angry but she's gone. Rashta plans her wedding and decides to have the most extravagant dress ever to make overshadow Naviers from her marriaage to soveshu but she ends up looking ridiculous and soveshu yells at her to change which she refueses and everyone just laughs at her. Now rashta is empress and all she needs to do is relax and enjoy life. She however decides to show her true crazy side and cuts the tongue off a maid, has people sentenced to death if they annoy her, she borrows large amounts of money from Duke Elgy which causes debt to the country. She is a bad empress. She keeps in contact with the family that owned her as a slave, mostly because they are blackmailing her but also but the son, alan, was her lover before she arrived at the palace. Alan is the father of her first child whom alan is raising while rashta passes them money for his care. She eventually gives birth to a baby princess and soveshu is initially happy. Navier is now married to Heinly and living a happy life and within a year she is pregnant. Heinly is so happy he turns into his bird form and starts dancing while tearing up. Soveshu hears the news and gets confused. He thought navier was infertile since they were marries years and never had a child. He wonders if she isn't infertile then perhaps he was. He starts looking at his baby wonders if it really is his. He grows with doubt and when the public finds out she has a previous child before the princess, they start to wonder if the princess is really legitimate since she looks a lot like rashtas first child with alan. A paternity test is done and turns out Alan is the father of both. Soveshu was never the father. Soveshu starts an investigation since the people demand she be taking to court for deceiving the crown. All her misdeeds get found out. She tries to run away before she is sentenced and kills a maid after she helped her so there are no witnesses but is caught before she even leaves the palace. Rashta gets sentenced to life in the tower but she hates it there and ends up poisoning herself to death. soveshu becomes and alcoholic and jumps out of a window but survives. He wakes up and has literally gone crazy and develops another personality to coup with it all. He never remarries saying the empress spot is being saved for when navier returns which she obviouly never does. Navier gives birth to twin babies that can turn into birds just like heinly. Navier and Heinly go through their own problems while in the western kingdom but they are always united and nothing ever causes problems within their relationship because they always communicate their feelings to each other.
That is roughly what happens. Any questions?

Rashtas previous lover, Alan, gets executed for conspiring to put his own child on the throne. Alans fathers gets executed as well but the sister is allowed to live because Rostechu testified she had nothing to do with it so she would be spared. She ends up taking care of rashtas first child, Ahn.
Second child, Glorium, has the title of princess since she was thought to be soveshus when she was born. Once her paternity is discovered, her title is removed but she continues to live at the palace. Soveshu is unsure what to do with her since he still cares about the child but he is also angry. The maid that was in charge of taking care of the child since she was born is afraid that the baby will be punished because of the parents crimes so she runs away with her. Unfortunately, on her way to another country her carriage gets attacked by bandits. Glorium is presumed dead but is not. One of the bandits said he had been trying for years to have a baby with his wife and have been unsuccessful. He takes the baby and raises her as his own.
Soveshus personality split does eventually get better and he gets back to normal mantally wise. He however is always left with the knowledge that he lost the most amazing woman ever. He doesn't remarry because navier forever will be his empress. He also knows that the only reason left for him to marry would be to produce and heir but since he is infertile, there is no point in that either. He appoints a distant relative as his heir but the relative refuses. That leaves him with one option left, the Duke of Troby (Naviers father) for heir which actually makes him happy. He knows that by making the Duke his next heir, that would mean the line passes down his family, thereby, making Naviers children the heirs to the empire. He is glad that give his position to the child of the woman he loves. At one point navier, heinly, and their children visit the eastern empire and soveshu was heartbroken. He finally admitted how arrogant he was to try and rule over naviers life. But instead of giving up on his life, he decided to move on and live with his decisions, despite full of regrets.
can someone pls spoil this for me ┗( T﹏T )┛