Neety369 December 16, 2020 4:26 pm

Hey guys, earlier today I was reading this BL and I accidentally closed the tab before I could add it to my list. It's not in my history, and I don't remember the name! I can remember that its this story about this photographer who breaks up with his boyfriend because he feels like he isn't getting love. He ends up becoming his boss's sex partner but his boss has actually like him the whole time. The ex-boyfriend actually did love him and the mc still loves the ex as well. I can remember the boss's name was Mr. Ahn and that the ex is Jungyoon or something like that. PLEASE HELP!

    Chrimen December 16, 2020 4:38 pm

    Commenting seems interesting

    Lmao.no December 16, 2020 4:42 pm

    i swear i read that once and it didnt leave my mind for a week but then the second i actually need to know the name its out of my mind..

    sonya December 16, 2020 4:54 pm

    idk if it’s this but maybe Ways of Parting?

    Neety369 December 16, 2020 5:46 pm

    Ok guys, I just found it :))))) It's called Obscura