Omg so its the end of the season qwq and... and i saw a freaking baAbbyY omggg BABYyYYYYYYyyyYy I'm so excited for the next seasonn
Really? I thought it was a false alarm?
Want the raws?
There was this illustration below the author's note wherein they were holding a baby and it had the uke's hair color
Yeeeeesssssss!!!!!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ PLEASE!!!!!
Soo cutee I wheezed. And of course after all the mghn nghn hgh they've done there'll prolly be a baby heree you goo enjoy~
Thank youu ╥﹏╥ <3
Omg so its the end of the season qwq and... and i saw a freaking baAbbyY omggg BABYyYYYYYYyyyYy I'm so excited for the next seasonn